Tuesday, October 22, 2013

News Articles and Article on Union Mistakes, Union Watch Article


A Union Steward's Ten Biggest Mistakes

by Tom Juravich and Kate Bronfenbrenner(Reprinted here with the authors' permission)
28 Jan 04 A good steward is many things – an organizer, a negotiator, a counsellor, a peacemaker and a troublemaker. But there are certain things that a steward must avoid at all costs.
Mistake one – Fail to represent fairly
Not only does this leave the union open to being sued for breaching its duty to provide fair representation, it's just not the right thing to do. It undermines the whole purpose of the union and the very idea of solidarity.
Mistake two – Make backroom deals
Management is notorious for trying to get stewards to trade grievances. "I'll let you have this case if you drop the one we talked about yesterday." Every member deserves a fair shake and every grievance needs to be evaluated on its own merit. Never agree to anything you would be uncomfortable telling your entire membership about.
Mistake three – Promise remedies too quickly
You're hurting both the member and your credibility if you pass judgement on a grievance prior to a thorough investigation. Only after you have spoken to the grievor and witnesses and consulted the contract, the employer's rules and past practices are you in a position to make that determination. Given the frequency of poor and mixed arbitration decisions, no steward should ever promise victory.
Mistake four – Fail to speak with new workers
The most important way a union gains the support of a new member or a potential new member is by one-on-one contact with the steward. You not only want to provide new workers with information, but need to build a personal relationship and begin to get them involved in union activities from their first day on the job.
Mistake five – Fail to adhere to time lines
Even the strongest, iron-clad case can be lost if the time line specified in your contract isn't followed. Even if management agrees to an extension, it is not in the union's interest to let problems fester and grow. If you do get a formal extension of time limits, be sure to get it in writing.
Mistake six – Let grievance go unfiled
Every grievance that goes unfiled undermines the contract you struggled so hard to win. While most members see changes and problems only in terms of the impact on them, the steward needs to be able to understand a grievance's impact on the contract and the union as a whole.
Mistake seven – Meet with management alone
When you meet with management alone, suspicions may arise as to what kinds of deals you're making. It also allows management to lie or change its story. More importantly, when the steward meets with management alone, it takes away an opportunity for members to participate in the union and to understand that it's really their organization.
Mistake eight – Fail to get settlements in writing
Just as you should protect yourself by not meeting alone with management, be sure to get grievance settlements in writing. Putting the settlement in writing helps clarify the issues and keeps management from backing down on their deal.
Mistake nine – Fail to publicize victories
Publicizing each and every victory is an important way to build your local union. This publicity not only has a chilling effect on the employer, but helps educate your own members on their contractual rights. It also gives you something to celebrate and builds the courage needed to carry on.
Mistake ten – Fail to organize
Stewards are much more than grievance handlers. They are the key people in the local who mobilize the membership, and they must be talkin' union and fightin' union all the time. Each and every grievance and incident must be looked at in terms of how it can increase participation, build the union, and create new leaders.
Comments? Opinions?

The Unions’ Own “1%”: Extravagant Pay, Nepotism, Government Indifference

Summary: Union leaders are increasingly distant from the everyday workers they claim to represent, with faster-growing pay and an entrenched ruling class, data show. Nepotism is in full force, union members complain, and the closest some second- or third-generation officials have been to a day on a job site is a class on labor relations at Harvard. With a small handful of persons controlling a multitude of related trusts, sometimes for decades, it should be no surprise the Department of Labor has found at least 89 cases where union members had funds embezzled by their own officials in the first half of 2013.
The Laborers’ International Union of North America says it fights for equality, for lowering the gap between the highest- and lowest-paid, and against the corrupt practices of corporate fat-cats who have politicians in their pockets and avoid paying their fair share in taxes. That’s the image the union wants to project.
The reality is different. The LIUNA presents a case study in the hypocrisy, self-dealing, and good-old-boy networking that now characterizes many if not most unions. Entrenchment is common, with the same people holding office for year after year. Nepotism is rampant; privilege afforded by birth is the norm in much of the labor movement.
At marble palaces throughout Washington, union leaders who are often the sons and grandsons of organizers and who have just as often had virtually no experience toiling on job sites, have come to view themselves as untouchable. Indeed, that sense of invulnerability is rooted in reality, given the record of Obama administration officials in charge of enforcing labor laws. The Department of Labor’s enforcement office since the 2008 election has been stacked with former union officials who have ceased audits of international unions, even those that had long lists of unresolved problems in previous audits.
Privilege at “the Laborers”
At LIUNA, pay for a tight network of top union officials has risen faster than for the rank and file, even as membership has declined, according to a computer analysis of federal disclosure documents. Eight of the Laborers executive board’s 13 members have been in their posts more than a decade.
At the Laborers, a combination of political influence and brazenness is on full display. On top of the $1 million the international union spends yearly on K Street lobbyists and $1 million in campaign contributions and political ads in the last election, its legislative affairs office includes a well-connected lobbyist, Leo J. Gannon.
Gannon is a former Rhode Island state legislator who made $217,000 in 2012 as head of legislative affairs for the union-affiliated Laborers-Employers Cooperation and Education Trust. In 2003, he pled guilty to making false statements to federal investigators in connection with a $750,000 Labor Department grant involving partnerships for matching unemployed workers with jobs; prosecutors alleged no such partnerships were executed. After politicians urged leniency, Gannon got off with probation and a fine. Yet he continues to hold a position with the union despite the fact that the law bans people convicted of certain crimes, including lying to or stealing from the federal government, from holding positions of power within unions and related organizations. It is a criminal offense for the prohibited individual to take such a job or for a union to hire him. Neither Gannon nor the Laborers responded to requests for comment.
Gannon is not the first Laborers hire to have had a run-in with the government. Gordon Green, director of the Laborers’ Service Contract Education and Training Trust Fund, was sentenced to prison after being charged in 2007 with bribery relating to an employee benefit fund and with the theft of employee benefit plan property.
Green sold union information to a contractor managing government buildings’ maintenance for a suitcase containing $150,000 in cash; the government contractor alerted authorities.
“Gordon Green’s criminal actions demonstrate both an astonishing breach of the trust placed in him by the Laborers’ International Union of North America and an intolerable example of corruption and greed,” prosecutors said.
Green received six months in prison after getting credit for “substantial assistance in the investigation or prosecution of other persons who have committed criminal offenses.”
Little scrutiny
Critics say that the Laborers and other unions are less likely to face scrutiny because President Obama has stacked the Office of Labor-Management Standards with former union officials. (OLMS is the federal office charged with rooting out misconduct among unions.) Notably, OLMS has stopped auditing the international unions that control the majority of union money and slashed the number of local union audits in half.
In 2008, the OLMS audited 791 unions, but in 2011, under new director John Lund, it looked at only 461. The change is largely because officials no longer conduct the most complex audits, those of international headquarters.
“They control something like 90 percent of the funds. They’ve got their hands in everything, so they’re the ones you should be looking at the most,” said Don Loos, Lund’s predecessor, who served in the George W. Bush administration. Loos, who is now an advisor at the National Right to Work Committee, has complained that the OLMS is toothless, with no ability under the law to levy fines or other sanctions. “They say ‘look, you’re doing this wrong, but we can’t fine you.’ Which is unlike any business reporting. The problem is there’s no penalty for being dishonest,” he said.
Critics say the organization has been lenient in requiring unions to report on their financials, including overlooking teachers’ unions that represent private charter-school teachers. Unions solely representing local government employees are exempt from most disclosure.
“It is time that the U.S. Department of Labor requires all state teacher unions and government employee unions that have failed for decades to comply with the [Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act] be forced to comply with the Act or be criminally prosecuted for willful failure to file these reports,” Concerned Educators Against Forced Unionism wrote to the Labor Department this year.
All in the family
If connections and privilege afforded by birth are responsible for the positions of some of the “one percent” of Wall Street that unions have decried, they are at least as common in their own leadership posts.
For the Laborers Local 1015 in Canton, Ohio, 14 staffers and officers oversee $1.7 million in assets for 685 members, but five of them, including the treasurer, auditor, and business manager, belong to the Mayle clan.
At Kentucky’s Laborers 1445, five of 17 officials are named Oney. They are business manager Johnny W., who makes $80,000; Johnny N., who makes $61,000; auditor Roger, treasurer Mitchell, and secretary Rhonda.
“Johnny N. is the field rep, he’s my son. When it comes to hiring him, I make my recommendations and the executive board does what they want to do,” the business manager said. His brother Roger is auditor, and Mitchell, until two years ago, sat on the executive board as treasurer. Rhonda, who “sleeps with my brother,” Johnny W. joked, answers phones.
These cozy relationships are even worse among elites in the union’s monumental national headquarters—and they have actively separated unions from their most basic historical missions, one of the Laborers’ own officials said. “It’s becoming impossible to find anyone at the Laborers’ International Union who has ever actually worked the trade beyond a summer or two while they attended the Harvard Labor College,” said a longtime national official of the Laborers’ International Union of North America who spoke on the condition of anonymity because he feared retaliation.
“How can you represent working men and women when you’ve never had to really work a day in your life as a construction laborer? These sons and grandsons of laborers have never suffered through a long layoff, or seared in the heat of the day, or frozen in the cold of a winter outside on a job site.”
At the Laborers’ international headquarters, the double-speak and misplaced financial priorities are perhaps nowhere more evident than in the fact that even as the Laborers’ payroll has swelled, it has failed to pay taxes on its flagship office space for the last eight years, according to a half-million-dollar lien filed by the District of Columbia this year—the third such lien filed against it since the 1990s. “Prevent seizure action by sending full payment today!” the letter says.
The union’s headquarters previously had federal tax liens issued against it in 1991 and 1992 for $70,000 and in 1993 for $25,000, records show. They were settled in 1995 and 1996.
Of course, even as it neglected its own obligations, the union was quick to criticize others for not paying taxes, telling members last year that Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney “opposes legislation that would ensure corporations pay their fair share of taxes.”
Tangled web
Armand E. Sabitoni is treasurer of the Laborers national union, making $436,000 a year, with at least two relatives on staff. Five members of the Sabitoni family are officers at Laborers locals. A tangled web of pension and other funds weaves the family’s tentacles through every branch of the union and provides ample opportunity to boost salaries far beyond what is evident in the payrolls of the union’s main offices.
Michael A. Sabitoni Jr., for example, is president of the Rhode Island Building and Construction Trades Council and is also chairman of the Rhode Island Laborers’ Pension Fund, the Rhode Island Laborers’ Health and Welfare Fund, and the Rhode Island Laborers’ Annuity Fund.
He is also trustee of the New England Laborers’ Training Trust Fund, the New England Laborers’ Labor-Management Cooperation Trust and the New England Laborers’ Health and Safety Fund.
“There’s a whole host of trusts,” said Nathan Mehrens, a top Department of Labor attorney under President George W. Bush. “Interconnected entities that are technically distinct from the union itself, but provide ample compensation.” So even if no one salary may be egregiously high, all those posts add up.
At the 57,000-member International Brotherhood of Boilermakers national headquarters, four members of the Creeden family received a combined $836,000 a year, with Secretary-Treasurer William making $300,000 and directors Kyle and Ryan making more than $143,000 each.
At the 250-member United Industrial & Service Employees Union, four of the seven officials in 2011, including the president, vice president, and trustee, were named Romero. At the International Union of Painters and Allied Trades Local 1970, the president, treasurer and secretary were all named Lipscomb.
About 1 in 5 unions had multiple officials with the same last name in 2011, according to an analysis of federal union disclosures. Unions had a median roster of eight officials, making it easy for one family to have significant control.
While the Laborers represent a high-profile case study, self-dealing is commonplace at the full spectrum of unions. Teamsters 710 of Mokena, Ill., pays its treasurer, Patrick W. Flynn, $435,000 a year, but apparently that wasn’t enough; both his son and daughter took jobs at the union. President Michael Sweeney brought on his sister Maureen at a $60,000 salary, while trustee James Dawes, who received a $215,000 bonus, brought on his daughter for $45,000, tax records show.
The average union member has no idea how much the leaders make, said Stanley Oubre, a retired Boilermaker in Louisiana. Few union members can relate to people making such huge salaries.
“It sounds like we’re getting robbed,” Oubre said of the money earned by International Brotherhood of Boilermakers President Newton B. Jones. “I was a boilermaker for 35 years, and oh my goodness, what we made was pennies” compared with that.
Job security
When officers aren’t already related, they often become a sort of family, re-elected time after time, or shuffling top positions among themselves each election. Three-quarters of unions that had elections in 2010 re-elected most of their officers, an analysis of DOL data shows. Ten percent of unions re-elected 9 of 10 officers.
“When an outgoing boss leaves, they make an interim appointment of their own successors. After that, they have a re-election rate that would make an incumbent congressman blush. Nobody is ever stupid enough to run against them,” the Laborers official said. A recent American Postal Workers Union national president, for example, was elected seven times to three-year terms.
Across the U.S., 27 percent of officers in 2003 were still in office in 2011. In 1 in 5 unions, at least half of elected officers remained the same over the course of those eight years. But imperial tenure is more common, and has a greater impact, at the national headquarters that control the bulk of union finances.
Two-thirds of national headquarters retained at least half of their officers in the most recent election, a Washington Times analysis shows. For example, the United Union of Roofers, Waterproofers and Allied Workers returned 11 of 12 officers in 2008, and the American Federation of Teachers re-elected 35 of its 45 officers in 2010.
At the Laborers’ International Union of North America national headquarters, 11 of 16 current officers have been running the union since at least 2003. At the United Brotherhood of Carpenters, it’s six of eight, with only two district vice presidents departing. At the Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers Union, only six board members and one vice president among the union’s 24 officials left over the eight years.
Union posts increasingly have become long-term gigs over the years, with the average union re-electing 56 percent of its officers in elections held in 2010, up from 49 percent in elections in 2001. And the longer they stay on the job, the more they make.
High pay
Over the past decade, top union officials’ compensation has risen even though membership has fallen, and the unions have added significantly more employees to their offices. Joseph V. Senese was paid a salary of $698,406 last year for his role in running the National Production Workers Union, based in the golf course-lined Chicago suburbs, which reported 600 members in 2006 and none in 2007, according to union disclosures.
Tax records confirm a pattern of high salaries, with base compensation of $583,000 in 2008, and show that Senese, in turn, issued hundreds of thousands of dollars in cash loans back to the union. For decades, the union spent “large sums of money” to provide Senese with around-the-clock security after his brother and father, also union honchos, survived assassination attempts and federal authorities barred his father from union activity for life, alleging mob ties, according to a 1993 Chicago Tribune article. “We don’t talk to newspaper reporters. Don’t call back here,” a staffer at the union’s full-time office said this year before hanging up the phone.
John M. Lazzaretto, business manager of LIUNA Local 152 in Highland Park, Ill., was paid $419,543 in 2011. The 1,000-member union local counted Lazzaretto’s son, Michael, as an organizer, and his cousin, Vallie, as secretary, and a Brennan Lazzaretto as janitor.
“A big portion of that final salary was a retirement package. My salary probably averaged about $250,000, which for a business manager, I was probably top three or four. There’s probably three or four people in the Chicago area making more than $300,000. Of course, times have changed; people get rid of the heavy earners,” Lazzaretto said.
“I was the only trustee left after the feds came in, when the government put a consent decree over the whole international union alleging there was ties to organized crime,” he said. “I came out with a clean bill of health.”
Despite unions’ focus on income equality, the inequality between the highest-paid and lowest-paid union employees has grown over time, and the rank-and-file workers toiling in factories and construction sites that the union officers represent especially pale in comparison with the top officials who represent them. In 2000, the bottom quarter of full-time employees at union offices, such as administrative assistants at headquarters, had salaries of less than $33,900, while the top quarter had salaries of more than $65,400. In 2012, the bottom quarter salary was $43,000 compared with $94,800 for the top quarter.
Unions argue that even huge salaries for officers, such as the $1 million that Gerald McEntee made last year as president of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), are far below the pay of business CEOs. But critics point out that as representatives of the working man—and increasingly, the working man whose paycheck comes from the taxpayer—labor leaders should be held to a different standard.
Loos, the former Department of Labor official, said labor leaders with compensation that is worlds apart from those they represent make it difficult for them to empathize with life in the trenches. “Look at SEIU [the Service Employees International Union]. That’s a union of janitors, and you’ve got people at the top making $500,000 a year, plus a lot of them have their hands in more than one till—they’re making additional money from the pension funds.
“A lot of these groups were a part of the Occupy Wall Street movement, and they really pushed the notion of ‘fat cats.’ But,” he said, “union bosses have always been fat cats.”
Luke Rosiak is a journalist specializing in data analysis who has written for the Washington Post and the Center for Responsive Politics. Some reporting in this article originally appeared in the Washington Times. This article originally appeared in Labor Watch and is republished here with permission.
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Accused of nepotism, head of food workers union voted out

Ernie Duran Jr. plans to challenge the results

By Andy Vuong

The Denver Post

POSTED:   09/23/2009 01:00:00 AM MDT38 COMMENTS| UPDATED:   6 YEARS AGO

Ernie Duran Jr.
Ernie Duran Jr. (Denver Post file photo)
Feb 4:
Safeway, Soopers workers OK contract
Jan 28:
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Ernie Duran Jr., the longest-standing president of the United Food and Commercial Workers Local 7 union, lost his re-election bid this week as union members approved sweeping leadership changes amid allegations of nepotism and misspent funds.
Members elected rank-and-file challenger Kim Cordova, a former union representative currently working at Safeway, to take over as president Jan. 1.
They also approved a new secretary treasurer and recording secretary and 19 of 25 board members who ran as part of Cordova's team. The six other board positions were unchallenged.
"I'm excited to be the first woman UFCW president here in Colorado," said Cordova, 42. "Members spoke loud and clear — they wanted change. It was obvious because our whole team won."
The UFCW Local 7 is one of the state's largest unions, with 23,000 members, including grocery- store, meatpacking and private-health-care workers.
Duran declined to comment through his secretary.
But his daughter and the union's staff attorney, Crisanta Duran, said a challenge of the election will be lodged with the U.S. Department of Labor within 15 days.
"There were several election violations under the rules of the Department of Labor that took place in the past several months," Crisanta Duran said.
She wouldn't disclose specifics but said the current leadership would seek another election. She also noted that less than 13 percent of the membership voted and that the results were "very close."
Ernie Duran, 53, has been president of the UFCW Local 7 since 1998. He also served a three-year term in the early 1990s. This year was the last time he planned to run for re-election, Crisanta Duran said.
During the contentious battle over the "right to work" ballot measure last year, reports surfaced about nepotism within the union under Duran's leadership.
In 2007, Crisanta Duran was paid $133,410 and Ernie Duran's son, Ernie Duran III, was paid $134,378 as an executive staff member, according to Labor Department filings. The elder Duran earned $162,368 that year.
"The nepotism was a big issue with the workers — Ernie hiring his family and putting them into high-paid positions," Cordova said.
Allegations surfaced this year about misspent union funds.
There are concerns about "his son's spending and whether or not it was business expenses," said Irene Goodell, who worked as Ernie Duran's secretary for about a year until April.
Receipts posted on the website VoteErnieOut.com allege that union dues were spent on top-shelf margaritas, king-crab legs and Denver Broncos tickets.
KMGH-Channel 7 reported last week that the Labor Department is investigating the union. Cordova said the probe covers the union's spending of membership dues.
A Labor Department spokesman declined to comment Tuesday.
Crisanta Duran called the charges "lies."
"They ran a campaign of nothing but lies and smear, and we ran a positive campaign," she said.
The UFCW Local 7 is negotiating new contracts on behalf of King Soopers, Safeway and Albertsons workers.
"It's still our goal to resolve these contract negotiations without a strike or lockout and get a fair deal for workers," she said.
Andy Vuong: 303-954-1209 or avuong@denverpost.com
Chronology: Ernie Duran Jr.'s career highlights
1980s: As a new lawyer, works for the National Labor Relations Board in Denver, prosecuting unfair labor practices.
1984: Recruited to start UFCW Local 7's first in-house legal department.
1991: Becomes secretary treasurer of the union in May, elected president in October.
1992: UFCW members at Longmont Foods strike for one day.
1993: City Market workers strike for four weeks.
1994: Workers at an Albertsons store in Rock Springs, Wyo., strike for 550 days.
1995: Returns to his post as legal counsel.
1997: Re-elected president.
1998: Kaiser Mental Health Group workers strike for one day.
2000: Kaiser Professional Healthcare Group workers strike for three weeks.
2005: Eight months of defiance and call to strike end after the president of UFCW International sends Duran a letter that effectively cancels any strike vote. Grocery workers, defying Duran's call to reject a contract offer, hand him the first loss of his career.
2008: Plays key role in costly state ballot-measure battle between unions and business that led to removal of four labor-backed measures and defeat of business-backed "right to work" initiative.
Denver Post research library; Denver Post file photo

Under the search “unions nepotism”:
Sarnia Observer

Board Slams Laborers' Union

July 13,1983

Discrimination, nepotism and blatant favoritism were rampant in the operation of Sarnia Local 1089 International Laborers Union under business manager Rocco D'Andrea, the Ontario Labor Relations Board has found.
In a 35-page report released Tuesday, the board upheld the complaints of 32-year-old laborer Joe Portiss who alleged throughout a 12-day hearing which ended in April that Mr. D'Andrea's hiring habits unjustly deprivedhim of some 47 union jobs between 1980 and 1982.
In what is being heralded by Mr. Portiss' lawyer as a landmark decision, the board has ordered the union and its officers to implement 10 relief measures designed to eliminate the "obvious abuse of power" the board has identified within the union's management.
In considering these orders, the board felt the "widespread disregard of the most fundamental rights of members of Local 1089 so serious, it considered suspending or removing Mr. D'Andrea from office. But the board concluded that since Mr. Portiss' Toronto lawyer Brian Iler did not seek such strong remedial action in his case, it would not make such an order. However, the board concluded it would consider such measures if its relief orders are not implemented.
The board has ordered the union and its officers to cease all arbitrary and discriminatory hiring practices. It calls for a written list of hiring hall rules to be posted in the hall and a copy to be provided to the union's 1,200 members.
At the next general union meeting in September, the board has ordered a committee of no less than five members be formed to prepare, within 90 days, a list of specialized job classifications and rules governing them. These are also to be provided all members.
In what is considered a most unusual order in a case involving a union, the board has ordered that within 30 days, an outside auditor be retained at the union's expense to oversee union books, administration of hiring hall rules and procedures for a period of two years. The person or firm hired must be from outside Sarnia and is to have no contractual relation with the union.
The board has also called for copies of the out-of-work list to be posted in the hiring hall as well as a list of employer job requests. The lists are to include names of dates of referrals so "all members know their place and the place of others" on the out-of-work list.
Responding to Mr. Portiss' evidence that an arm injury prevented him from accepting some union jobs, thus causing his name to return to the bottom of the out-of-work list, the board has ordered establishment within 90 days of a list of injured or partially disabled members "with a view to devising a system for the referral of such members without penalty or discrimination." When such rules are adopted, they are to be posted in the union hall.
The board has ordered monetary compensation to Mr. Portiss for all wages and benefits lost as a result of the union's violation of Section 69 of the Labor Relations Act discriminatory hiring practices. The figure is to be decided upon between both parties in the dispute and Mr. Iler's initial estimate is between $15,000 and $25,000.
The union is also ordered to post in English and Italian copies of a board notice which states the union will adhere to the board's orders. The notice is to be posted for 90 consecutive working days.
In response to evidence at the hearing that union members found it difficult to secure acopies of the union constitution, the board has ordered copies be made available, at no cost, to all members and that a reasonable number be kept at the hall.
In making its findings on the case, the board frequently refers to the fact Mr. D'Andrea and his Toronto lawyer Alan Minsky made a motion for a non-suit and called no evidence at the hearing - -concluding they had "no case to respond to."
The board said this absence of an explanation compels it to draw adverse inferences against the union. And it states that there is overwhelming evidence that the job classification "scheme" of the union was "left deliberately vague by Mr. D'Andrea and the union executive to facilitate the practice of favoritism and discriminatory job referrals."
"The evidence confirms that hte hiring hall has been used by the officers of Local 1089 and especially Mr. D'Andrea as an instrument of patronage. Patronage and nepotism have no place in the hiring hall contemplated under the Labor Relations Act," it states.
The board concluded Mr. D'Andrea, and union president Orfeo Iacobelli regarded Mr. Portiss and fellow laborer Donato Marinaro as "political enemies." Both had run unsuccessfully for election to the union's executive.
Mr. Marinaro, who has also filed a complaint of discriminatory hiring practices against the union, will have his case heard July 26 by the board.
The board blasted the union officials for nepotism, stating "the evidence establishes that the family ties of Mr. D'Andrea and Mr. Iacobelli extend throughout the union's administration and its general membership. Specifically, the board cites the case of Cecilio Iacobelli, saying he jumped past 250 laborers to secure a job in 1981.
The board also notes the hiring hall books are kept primarily by Anna Iacobelli - Mr. Iacobelli's daughter.
While much of the evidence at the hearing surrounded job classifications and Mr. D'Andrea's contention that laborers' names were skipped over if they had a particular skill, the board concludes at least one job classifications was "inserted deliberately to conceal the blatant favoritism shown Cecilio Iacobelli. And it adds it therefore would "see no reason to strain to rely on any of the notations of classifications in the hiring hall books to explain referrals out of turn."

**********Could a substitute teacher with Toronto Catholic use this ruling to file a complaint against OECTA?

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

News Articles and Story About Unions Making Secret Deals


Trojans heading to Reach for the Top competition

By PJ WILSON, The Nugget

The six-member team defeated Chippewa Secondary School’s team Monday afternoon in their only meeting at West Ferris.
Actually, the two teams are the only ones in North Bay at this time, but that didn’t faze the members of the winning team. It means they’ve got several weeks of practise, and the chance at several more games, before their season is over.
Kieran Adamson, the unofficial captain of the team, competed at the provincials last year for West Ferris.
“It was an amazing experience,” he said. “We just wanted to keep on playing.
“It’s not always about winning. It’s the chance to play more games.”
Reach for the Top was, at one time, one of the biggest competitions between high schools across the province, with games airing weekly on TV. Unlike Jeopardy!, the questions are drawn from various categories, ranging from Disney villains to math to astronomy, and almost anything in between.
You need fast reflexes to buzz in before the opposing team, although sometimes this strategy falls short. More than a few players buzzed in before the reader – West Ferris teacher and coach Mark Robertson – had finished the question, only to learn the question wasn’t close to what the player had expected.
“Sometimes you get a bit of a feel for what might come up,” Adamson said.
Robertson, who’s been involved with the team for the past five years, says the secret is getting players who have a wide range of interests.
“We try to steer people in certain directions,” he said. “It makes no sense if everyone knows their capital cities,” while other subjects come up dry.
The West Ferris team practices several times a week, playing trivia games over their lunch period.
“We really don’t know what questions they’ll ask,” he said, although they can anticipate some.
Last year at the provincial championship, for example, one of the big categories was famous last words. That category came up more than a few times during the various games the team played.
Alec Taylor specializes in movies.
“They do ask a lot of questions about old movies,” he said.
Last year he was stumped on some of the questions, so since then he has been reading up on classic movies, everything from plots to signature lines.
Returning to the championship, he said, is “amazing.
“We really wanted to go back. It’s just so awesome.”
He figures he’ll spend the next couple of weeks reading up on his movies to get prepared.
Allison Porter, the only female on the team, likes literature and composers, catching a few questions during the three games the two teams played Monday.
She only joined the team last year after seeing the members practicing.
“It looked like a lot of fun,” she admitted.
West Ferris defeated Chippewa 280-200 in the first game and 250-180 in the third, with Chippewa winning the middle game 200-190.
The provincial championship will be held over the Mother’s Day weekend in May.
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Author engages young readers with stories from the heart

By Reg Clayton, Reg Clayton, Kenora Daiy Miner & News

Beaver Brae Grade 7 and 8 students got a chance to interact with one of their favourite literary role models at a special presentation on Tuesday, April 28.
Over the past 21 years, Canadian writer Eric Walters has authored 98 books for young adults, translated into many languages and read by students around the world. Titles on display at the school library, include War of Eagles, Shattered, Stranded, Wounded, Beverly Hills Masala, Power Play and Juice, just to name a few.
“Kids love him. He writes to their age group, Grade 4 to 8, and his stories especially appeal to boys,” school librarian Jocelyn Laffin said. “The students have been preparing for his visit since June by reading and rereading his books. The library purchased multiple copies because I knew interest was so high. All the stories he writes, he lives it so it comes from the heart.”
Laffin credited Pope John Paul ll librarian Shawna DeGagne for inviting Walters to Kenora and speaking with students at both local high schools and all the elementary schools this week.
Walters engaged his young audience right from the start by sharing the stories behind the stories of many of his novels. He demonstrated how he forms characters from encounters with real people by singling out a boy and a girl student from the audience and fictionalizing a connection between them much to their embarrassment and the amusement of their peers.
Walters was quick to point out that in addition to being a writer, he is also a parent of three grown children, all university graduates. He has worked as a social worker in crisis response at hospital emergency rooms and as teacher in Toronto.
He started writing professionally while working with a class of 28 marginalized students, mostly boys, deemed unreachable by other teachers. They liked to make up stories so he redirected their creative energies into writing about things that affected their lives. Walters was inspired by the experience and it resulted in his first novels; Vista High School and Stand Your Ground.
Drawing from his own life, work, travels and reading, Walters presented a slideshow to illustrate how many of his experiences have found their way into print.
His books Tiger by the Tail and Tiger Trap followed a project where he brought live tigers to schools to introduce to students. He’s also co-authored a series of books on basketball with professional players; Three on Three, Full Court Press and Boot Camp. In Visions he relates the tale of two young Arctic explorers and their encounter with an Inuit shaman. Cat Boy tells of how students come to the rescue of feral cats in Toronto and Hunter relates the same story as seen through the eyes of one of the feline rescues.
In Between Heaven and Earth, Walters recounts his ascent of Mount Kilimanjaro along with his youngest son. At the summit he planted the flag of the Toronto District School Board where he was writer in residence for three years.
Africa holds special interest for Walters who sponsors an orphanage in Kenya with proceeds from book sales supporting programs, including the distribution of thousands of pounds of food and supplies monthly.
My Name is Blessing was inspired by a young African boy born with a physical handicap who struggles for acceptance by his society.
Alexandria in Africa is the story of a privileged teenage girl from the west who develops a social conscious through her encounters with African villagers who have very little but are willing to share what they have with the fair-haired stranger.
Today is the Day is an illustrated picture book that recounts a group of African orphans coming together to celebrate the birthday they’ve never known and receive the birth certificates that validate their existence as people. The book will be on bookstore shelves this summer.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013
A new record set yesterday for hits for this site in 24 hours, 355. Something triggered it, I'm not sure what it was. It must be the whit and charm that's finally coming through, yes? Ok, maybe not. Maybe the bombshell statement about unions and deals with employers and collective bargaining agreements? If you read all 40 posts, if anyone has been brave enough, you'll actually see that it isn't the first time I mentioned it.
The occasional teacher says he was working in an office of the Government of Canada at the time on short-term contracts. It was around 1992-1993. The feds had a huge budget deficit and a lot of debt to pay off that they had inherited from previous governments and they had to bring in huge cuts, the Chretien/Martin cuts I call them. One of the things they did was change the requirements to qualify for an employment insurance, E.I., claim which made it more difficult to qualify for a claim which led to a large surplus in the E.I. fund. Then they took that surplus and applied it to the deficit and debt, I think it was $25 billion. Then they laid-off thousands of civil servants and eliminated 60,000 positions in the federal civil service from about 1993 to 1998. He says he remembers it quite clearly because he was trying to get a job in government at that time because his degree was in political science and administration. And to make it worse from his point of view Mike Harris and the PC's came in in 1995 and added to the cuts in Ontario. Anyway, he says the department he was in, not in Toronto, in another city, ran a competition to see who would get laid-off.
He says he thinks  the competition was completely unfair. It was a written test with three sections. If you failed one section they didn't bother marking the next two. Obviously if you did well on the first section you would be ok but if you didn't you were out. The questions in the first section were exactly based on the work being done by people in a certain department so they passed just fine but people working in another department didn't know that work so they didn't know the answers to those questions. Does that sound rigged? Of course. 27 people were laid-off including the occasional teacher, one of them had been there for 10 years on short-term contracts.
So the situation for getting another job was looking pretty grim at that time because of the recession of the early-90's so he figured he didn't have anything to lose, he'd ask for a grievance over the competition for being unfair. He asked the president of the local to file a grievance. She said ok but it might not go through. He said he didn't think he had much to lose. Three weeks later she phoned him and told him to come in for the results. She told him that his grievance was not going ahead. She said it wasn't going ahead because there was no clause in the collective bargaining agreement, (cba), to use as the basis for the grievance. That's when she told him about unions being willing to negotiate weak cba's to reduce the number of grievances because previously unions got very strict cba's and unions and managers spent all their time dealing with grievances and they spent a lot of money on them because you need a lawyer to deal with them because they are legal documents and they have to conform to the Ontario Labour Relations Act or the Canada Labour Relations Act. That's when unions and employers made the deal to have weaker cba's in exchange for managements agreement to hire family members of full-time employees as a type of trade-off. And the occasional teacher says that's part of the reason why there is so much nepotism in unionized shops.
But what if you don't have family members pulling for you in that place of employment? You can end up getting passed over and passed over and passed over for people who have less experience and qualifications but they have the right DNA and that causes a lot of anger and frustration, so obviously this deal between management and unions has some flaws if you aren't family in that shop. And that's why he's telling people about what he learned, because he has been getting the shaft. He thinks unions should create a workplace where there is more equal opportunity and he thinks this is the myth or image that people have of a unionized shop but now they'll know the truth. It won't make him popular, though, will it?