Saturday, October 11, 2014

News Articles, Post XI and Comments

(All pictures have been removed from the articles because they take up so much memory in each post. To see the pictures use the web address and visit the sites of the newspapers.)

Secret Teacher: we help students to cheat, but how long before it's exposed?

Teachers who break the rules will have nowhere to hide when exam-only syllabi come in, leaving us easy prey for our critics

Saturday 27 June 2015 07.00 BST Last modified on Monday 29 June 2015 16.35 BST

On the first day of the school year the staffroom buzzes with nervous whispers. Everyone is eager to hear the big news about results. Is an Ofsted inspection imminent or are we safe in our jobs for another year? Thoughts whir as the senior management team present their annual analysis of assessment data.
But there is an enormous elephant in the room; most of the members of the audience know the data is false. This is because we know how much we help children cheat in the modular tests brought in to replace coursework.
Controlled assessments are not properly scrutinised by line managers and exam boards, a problem that gets worse every year. More and more teachers allow students to use extensive written notes when only limited prompts are allowed. In April I found students in the library “redrafting” controlled assessments for the sixth or seventh time when they should not be attempted more than once.
A number of my year 11 tutor group – mostly of C/D borderline ability – proudly told me they had achieved A*s. They were unaware that the amount of help their teachers gave them – by providing detailed writing frames, editing their initial drafts line by line and giving intensive one-to-one guidance – meant it was practically done for them.
When we internally moderate school-based assessments, obvious discrepancies, such as students who have only just started learning English writing like prize-winning authors, are ignored in the near certainty we will not be caught. The exam boards select work from random students to scrutinise, but they have a vested interest in schools choosing their syllabi so they are unlikely to be too rigorous.
It is hard to be sure how aware students are about this constituting malpractice. Some, of course, smell a rat but stay quiet. Most expect their teachers to allow repeated redrafting because it has become so much the norm that they would be disadvantaged without it. When parents get involved, they expect the same.
Friends and colleagues, who are decent people, insist that what we do is fine because “everybody” else is doing it. When I discussed my concerns with our headteacher, who is much better than most, they echoed that sentiment exactly. They even said that in grammar schools repeated redrafting was par for the course and that this was always done “with the best of intentions”.
The problem is that teachers have no choice. If students do not achieve their target grades/levels, we get the blame. In the current climate this argument has force: without the malpractice we indulge in, the head says we would slip from “good” to “requires improvement” or even “inadequate”. The aftermath of such a judgement is our biggest fear – academisation.
The impact on results is most pronounced in the English department. The head of English is a shameless careerist and assists in most of the redrafting personally, boasting about how the A-C English language pass rate has been raised from the “below floor target” prediction to over 70% in the final exams last year. Of course the rest of the department know that these results would be significantly worse without malpractice, but it allows the “team leader” to look good, despite driving good teachers out with dire interpersonal skills and appalling judgment.
Soon, English and some other subjects will see controlled assessments replaced by exam-only syllabi. When that happens, I worry that results will fall dramatically and the level of cheating in schools will be exposed to the public. They will not have sympathy for the “you don’t bring a knife to a gunfight” line of defence, and the fact that the fight should never have been called for in the first instance won’t matter a jot.
Secret Teacher: how I became trapped in the cheating game
Our students, who think we are doing nothing wrong now, will look back on their education with deep cynicism. Our reputation will take an almighty hammering and once we lose that standing with parents and communities, we will be easy prey for the vultures who want to privatise our great profession.
• This article was updated on 27 June 2015 to correct the picture, which initially showed an osprey, not a vulture.

Secret Teacher: I am too overworked to give trainees the support they need

New recruits deserve mentors who can spend time with them and be role models. All I can offer is a team of burnt-out teachers struggling to meet targets
Helping hands: ‘I am sorry that even when we manage to attract new graduates into the profession, I can’t offer them the training they need and deserve.’ Photograph: Alamy
The Secret Teacher
Saturday 11 July 2015 07.00 BST Last modified on Saturday 11 July 2015 07.03 BST
It’s that time of year again when my inbox fills up with requests from universities to host a PGCE student. Taking on a trainee is always a bit of a gamble: the majority are excellent but the odd bad apple falls through the net. Take Heidi, for example. She thought teaching was a 9am to 3pm job. Linda was no better – she took to carrying spare tissues with her as she couldn’t face a class without crying.
Most heads of department want PGCE students: we get a weekly free period to coach them and even bag a little extra money for a few textbooks. Trainee teachers mostly bring enthusiasm and ideas to tired, old departments and can plan lessons and share their resources. But before you can enjoy the advantages of an extra pair of time-saving hands, these new recruits need training – and therein lies the problem.
Mentoring a PGCE student takes time – far more than the additional period we are given. We have to coach them, guide them and comfort them when yet another student has left their lesson through the window or locked them in a cupboard. (One of Linda’s development targets had to be that she wouldn’t remove her keys from her lanyard – her habit of leaving them in the lock when she walked into a cupboard was just too tempting for some students.)
The bigger problem is that PGCE students start by watching us teach. I’m a head of department so the amount of time I now spend planning lessons is negligible. Usually it happens when the first student walks in and I ask, “Where did we get to?” That’s it: the rest of the time I am filling out paperwork and crunching numbers.
Don’t misunderstand me, I want to spend more time planning and teaching amazing lessons. But in reality, my day is spent filling in spreadsheets to show how much progress a child has made, updating the classroom risk assessments or rewriting schemes of work (again) so that French definitely includes teaching “fundamental British values” (seriously).
But if a PGCE student is watching you, you have to pull out all the stops. Objectives, tick. Starter activity, tick. Differentiation, tick. Peer assessment, tick. Plenary, tick. Silencing the child who asks why all your lessons aren’t like this, tick.
Even if you get the extra time you need for these perfect lessons, it doesn’t stop there. After a few weeks PGCE students have to teach. We can’t just pass them the board pen with a cheery “Off you go then”. We give them 10-minute chunks to teach, which need to be closely planned with us.
Another problem is fear. Yes, I am afraid. As I have said, I don’t plan lessons for non-exam classes anymore and I barely have time to mark. I work 8am to 7pm most days, but I don’t have time to do the basic duties that people would reasonably think a teacher should. What if my trainee notices? What if they see that I set my team targets to provide weekly and fortnightly assessments of children’s work , but I don’t do them for my classes?
Of course I could delegate. I could palm the bright-eyed PGCE student off on one of my stressed-out team members. The problem is that I know most of my team don’t plan or mark properly any more either. I turn a blind eye to it, aware that they are focusing their efforts where I need them to – on the exam classes and targets. But none of this helps aspiring teachers. They deserve someone who is going to spend time with them, guide them through the challenges and be a role model. I don’t have any role models left in my department, just a team of burnt-out teachers struggling to meet ever-changing targets.
In an ideal world we would welcome the trainee teacher with open arms. Their mentor would be given a free period every day to work with them, plan lessons and generally check they are on track. The mentors would be less stressed out, have less paperwork to do and be able to set a good example to those coming into the profession, instead of saying: “Do as I say not as I do – well at least until you’ve qualified.”
I am sorry that I won’t be offering a place to a PGCE student this year. I am sorry that even when we manage to attract new graduates into the profession, I can’t offer them the training they need and deserve. PGCE students across the country are being trained by overworked, disillusioned teachers who don’t have time to do the job properly themselves, never mind showing someone else what to do. What kind of teachers will this produce? I wish this year’s cohort every success in their training. But until the government stops the endless targets, the constant threat of Ofsted, the ever-changing goalposts (don’t even get me started on the new curriculum, GCSEs and A-levels), I simply can’t help them.

Provinces spend $4.2B on child care: report

OTTAWA — Government spending on daycare has reached an all-time high with new data showing the provinces — with help from the federal government — are spending more than $4.2 billion to provide regulated daycare spaces across the country.
Although the increase is driven largely by the almost $2.5 billion Quebec spent on its child care program in 2014, the data compiled by the Toronto-based Childcare Resource and Research Unit also show year-over-year increases in spending in Ontario, Alberta, B.C. and Manitoba that has helped add more than $602 million in daycare spending since 2012.
That spending has helped add some 200,000 regulated daycare spaces across the country, bringing the total inventory to more than 1.2 million spaces.
Those spaces would cover about 25 per cent of all children age 12 and under — an increase of four per cent from just two years ago.
Part of that spending is helped by transfer payments from the federal government that pay for myriad social programs across the country. Just how much of the Canada social transfer goes to child care is unknown as it competes with other needs — affordable housing, post-secondary education, social services — that provinces have to fund.
Combined, though, it adds up to an unconventional national child care program, said Martha Friendly, the organization's executive director.
The data suggest there is "fertile ground" for the next federal government to work with provinces on their daycare dilemmas, given the federal parties have talked to varying extents about how to pay for daycare, expanding parental leave, and income supplements in the form of child benefit payments.
"When I look at all this stuff, the provincial territorial stuff and the national stuff and you sort of mix it all together, I think, 'You know what, we might be talking about a real national child care program,'" she said.
The data from the biennial report on child care in Canada is being released Wednesday in the midst of an election campaign where the three major parties have put forward differing child care plans as they vie for family voters.
The platform promises remain broad brushstrokes and the devil is still in the details when it comes to turning a promise into an effective policy, said Friendly, a longtime advocate for a national daycare program.
The NDP has provided the most detailed promise, vowing to bring in a national daycare program that would cost parents no more than $15 a day and cost the federal government $5 billion — and the provinces $3.3 billion more — once the program is fully ramped up after eight years.
Details like how the party will set quality and accessibility standards, for examples, are all issues that Friendly said would have to be addressed in a child care policy.
The Liberals have also promised to work with provinces to develop a "child care framework" with provinces that, the party's platform says, would meet "the needs of Canadian families, wherever they live" and provide "affordable, high-quality, flexible and fully inclusive child care." The platform doesn't put a specific dollar figure to the promise.
Other promises each party has made, like extending parental leave to 18 months and the value of monthly child benefits, can also be seen as part of a national daycare strategy, Friendly said.
The prospect of a national child care program has stirred debate about whether it would help Canadian children excel academically and socially, and whether it would be financially sustainable for the federal government.
Follow @jpress on Twitter
By Jordan Press, The Canadian Press

Facts and figures of childcare in Canada

OTTAWA — A new report on the dollars and cents of childcare in Canada is being released Wednesday. The biennial report from the Childcare Resource and Research Unit looks at how much the provinces and territories spend on childcare, and what the money buys. Here are some figures from the report:
1,201,377: regulated child care spaces in Canada
70%: employment rate of mothers with children aged 0-2
$4,273,366,946: Provincial and territorial spending on child care, which includes funding from the federal government
$602,696,961: Increase in provincial and territorial spending on child care since 2012
$1,676: Median monthly fee for an infant child care space in Toronto, the most expensive in the country
$1,324: Median monthly fee for a toddler daycare space in Toronto, the most expensive in the country
$998: Median monthly fee for a preschooler daycare space in Toronto, the most expensive in the country
30%: Centre-based child care spaces in Canada that were in for-profit daycares in 2014
By The Canadian Press

Ontario offers kids a nasal spray flu vaccine

TORONTO - Ontario is introducing a new nasal spray flu vaccine this year as an alternative to an injection in the arm.
The nasal spray, which will be available starting Oct. 26 for children aged 2 to 17, will offer protection against four flu viruses instead of three.
The added protection is against a B-strain of the flu that affects children and youth more frequently than adults.
Parents will still have the option of having their children's flu vaccine delivered via a needle.
Adults will still be given the shot in the arm that the government says will help protect against three flu viruses this year.
The Ministry of Health says up to 20 per cent of Canadians get sick every year with the flu, which sends about 12,000 to hospital and kills about 3,500 people annually.
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By The Canadian Press

The i(pads) have it

By Emma Graney

Grade 2, late-1980s, Australia… Sitting inside my primary school’s computer lab, we played Sheepdog Round-Up on huge Macintosh computers that were, for the time, pretty swanky. Remember DOS? Yep. That. Sheepdog Round-Up was the highlight of my week. I hated mathematics (still do), but it helped with my addition and subtraction skills and made learning — dare I say the f-word? — fun.
My generation was on the cusp of the computer era. We were taught once a week in a special computer room, but we were also taught how to type by clickity-clacking away on good old paper-and-ink typewriters.
Computers weren’t in any classrooms and the Internet wasn’t a thing. At all.
I say this not to explain how old I am (GET OFFA MA LAWN, SONNY! Aaaarrrrg there goes me hip), but to illustrate how much classrooms have changed since I was in school.
And you know what? That’s not a bad thing.
I use a computer every single day… one at work, one at home (and thanks to Netflix and YouTube, the laptop at home replaces having a TV at all). I tweet prolifically, I use Facebook constantly for story ideas and contacts, my email accounts are a hive of activity and I can’t imagine living without Google.
Why deny our kids the opportunity to learn the awesomeness — and pitfalls — of technology from an early age?
I spent time inside Mrs. Maley’s Grade 1/2 classroom recently (see the story here), where the kids regularly use Twitter and blogging as a learning tool. They also use their iPads to help with math projects; the day I was there, they were wandering the hallways, excitedly looking for patterns of which they’d take photos and show off to the class.
That’s right, people — these kids were enjoying math (*GASP*).
The reaction from some folk is to take all of the technology off the kids and make ’em learn on paper, just like you used to because you turned out just fine and so what’s wrong with it kids nowadays can’t pay attention to anything because of the damn television sets and the internet why I remember back when ….
Look. Technology isn’t a bad thing. It can be scary and it can suck you in, but life is about learning how to focus on what’s important.
The kids in Mrs. Maley’s class sit quietly with their iPads on their laps while the other students give math presentations, because they KNOW that now is a time for listening — not for playing Angry Birds. They are engaged with their stories when they blog and they know way more than I do about functions of an iPad (seriously, it was embarrassing).
Life’s also about balance, which is unarguably important. That’s why kids in Mrs. Maley’s class still write with pencils on paper, still read books, still talk to each other in group projects, and still have to watch the whiteboard during the day. They still have to learn basics, and they do. But they also get to use tools that are now an integral part of everyday life.
In my mind, that can only further arm them for the future.
Follow me for more education-related fun from Saskatchewan on Twitter @LP_EmmaGraney
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At Recess it was Easy to Lose Your Marbles

By Cam Fuller,

Star Phoenix

About this time of year, kids would start playing marbles. Maybe kids still play marbles. But I doubt it, because you have to go outside to play marbles and I haven’t seen a kid outside playing anything since 1987. Not true. Now that I think of it, some kids played road hockey on my street one day this winter. I should have snapped a photo to prove it really happened, like a Loch Ness Monster sighting. I hated to have to drive by them to get to my house. I was worried they would get discouraged and stop playing road hockey forever. Kids aren’t as resilient as they used to be, you know. And I was right. I never saw them again, the whole winter. So let’s assume kids don’t play marbles anymore. Man, are they missing out. Marbles were the best. THE BEST. This was partly because playing marbles was one of the first things kids did after the snow was gone. The sun was finally warm and you could start smelling mud and green grass again. The world felt like a gift. You didn’t know what you’d done to be so lucky. Kids didn’t even play marbles the right way, and it was still huge. A game of real marbles was horribly complicated. You had to draw a circle in the dirt and … That’s just it. Only two kids in 20 knew what to do next. Sometimes you did see kids playing real marbles but you usually felt sorry for them because it looked like something kids would have done in the 1950s — and when you thought of things from the 1950s, you pictured the See Spot Run books where the boys had brush cuts and crisply ironed button-up short sleeve shirts and nerd bikes AND REALLY BORING LIVES. But you were cooler because when you played marbles, you played “hit ‘em, you get ‘em.” This was great. Half the kids were like carnies in their game booths. The other half were suckers. The rules were both simple and indefinite, if that’s even possible. A kid would sit and line up a few marbles in the playing triangle formed by his outstretched legs. He’d place a few marbles in a row. He decided how many marbles, and of what type, and how much space was between each. Then another kid with marbles would come along and try to hit the lined-up marbles with his marbles — from a distance determined by the kid running the operation. The contestant got to keep the ones he hit. The operator kept the ones that missed, often amassing bulging pockets of marbles by the end of the day. This is how casinos got started. Marbles taught you about life. Some kids were rich, some were poor. Some were reckless, some were cautious. Some were greedy, some generous. Like kids, not all marbles were equal. Everybody had the cheap cat eye ones. But what you really wanted were “crystals.” They didn’t have anything in the middle of them, just more glass. They were miraculous. There were rumours you could actually buy crystals at a store called the Rock Shop but no parent was ever going to drive you there. And then some kid would come along who not only had crystals but the beyond-rare super-large crystals. How the heck? And then you’d find out the kid’s mom bought them for him. Instantly, envy changed to pity. Any kid who got crystals from his parents instead of winning them honestly on the pavement was spoiled. Spoiled kids were reviled. Sorry, but that’s just the way it was. And then there were steelies. Technically, they were ball bearings and not marbles at all, but a steelie the size of a Ping-Pong ball was spectacular because it weighed about a million pounds. One day, some kid gave me a steelie. Just gave it to me. It was the best thing I’d ever owned. I couldn’t wait to get it home. Then I promptly lost it during recess. It fell through a hole in my pocket. That’s another thing kids don’t have anymore — holes in their pockets. I scoured the playground through misty eyes looking in vain for the lost steelie. I was so upset I didn’t hear the bell and the teacher had to come out and find me. The defeat! The humiliation! Sadly, that wasn’t the last time I lost my marbles. - See more at:

IB program ‘quite a journey’

By Jodi Lundmark, CJ staff

Graduation time

The graduation ceremony for Sir Winston Churchill Collegiate and Vocational Institute’s IB program is held on the Thanksgiving weekend because the school doesn’t receive the full results of the program until July and the actual diplomas don’t arrive until September.
Posted: Sunday, October 11, 2015 6:00 am | Updated: 6:00 am, Sun Oct 11, 2015.
By Jodi Lundmark, CJ staff
Just shy of his 18th birthday and only six weeks into his first year of studying engineering at the University of Waterloo, Callum Mitchell feels confident he will succeed.
“I’m performing more strongly than I expected and I think I can thank (the International Baccalaureate program) for that,” he said.
Mitchell was one of 25 people graduating from Sir Winston Churchill Collegiate and Vocational Institute’s 14th IB program on Saturday in Thunder Bay.
The advanced academic program encourages community involvement and also prepares students for university.
“It’s been quite a journey,” said Mitchell. “There were definitely some challenging points but it was definitely worth it because now I’m going into university into a fairly challenging program and I feel prepared to handle everything.”
In the IB program, high school students are given larger-scale projects to work on over a couple of months.
“That is something you see quite a bit in university so the fact that you’re introduced to that in high school is really helpful,” said Mitchell.
Churchill’s IB co-ordinator, Clarke Loney, said of the 25 students, seven completed full program diplomas and the rest received diploma course certificates.
The graduation ceremony is held on the Thanksgiving weekend because the school doesn’t receive the full results of the program until July 4 and the actual diplomas don’t arrive until September when the students have already left for university.
Loney said the greatest benefit of the program is it makes the students more globally aware and community-minded, as the IB program encourages community involvement.
It’s also second to none in terms of university preparation, he added.
“We’re super proud of these kids as we always are of our graduates,” Loney said. “These kids will, without question, change the world.”

False Accusations: A Growing Fear in the Classroom

Male role models are becoming increasingly scarce in Canadian classrooms, and the demographics indicate that the current low numbers will continue to decline. New teachers are quite prepared to take up the pedagogical issues raised by changing standards and a changing demographic; however, the spectre of violence and false accusations adds a level of danger that is truly frightening – the former to female student teachers, the latter primarily to males. It is reported that one in seven male teachers has been falsely suspected of inappropriate contact with students, and Canadian school systems do not have procedures in place to respond quickly and to protect the reputation of those who are wrongly accused. While the safety of students must be paramount, the rights of teachers need to be protected as well.
“Where are the male teachers?” Male role models are becoming increasingly scarce in Canadian classrooms, and the demographics indicate that the current low numbers will continue to decline. While general statistics are open to flux and are often several years behind reality, it is clear that male teachers in elementary and middle schools will soon be a thing of the past. Secondary schools fair a tad better, but males are an increasing minority within the teaching ranks at all levels. Generally speaking, the male-to-female ratio in elementary schools is 20-to-80; in secondary schools, 35-to-65. Whatever data one teases out, there is no question: our classrooms are increasingly dominated by female teachers.
Recent Narrative
Henri Fournier, a teacher with the Commission scolaire Grandes-Seigneurs in Quebec who has an impeccable 30-year employment history, has had his life turned upside down by a set of circumstances straight out of a B-grade movie. Several students (all girls between 8 and 12) accused Mr. Fournier of inappropriate touching. Acting with dispatch so as to protect the children, Mr. Fournier’s school board placed him on unpaid leave. He was investigated by the local police, charged by the Crown Prosecutor, and sent to trial.
As part of this shrinking minority myself, I watch with concern the declining numbers of males who select elementary education as a career path.
Almost two years would elapse between the laying of the charges (ready for this – 34 separate charges!) and the commencement of the court trial. During this time, one can imagine the chatter on the Internet and the emails that winged back and forth. The climate in the school was tense and – notwithstanding overt attempts at privacy – everyone knew the identity of the girls and what Mr. Fournier was alleged to have done. Throughout this ordeal, while proclaiming his innocence, Mr. Fournier was supported by his union; but at the same time he was the object of all manner of scurrilous innuendo and talk within his community.
There are those who may look at this situation and be pleased with the swiftness of the action. A predator had been caught, and the lives of so many girls saved from eternal harm. Even though a couple of the girls recanted their stories prior to formal court proceedings, and the justice system was grinding slowly, Mr. Fournier was going to get his just rewards.
One small difficulty: Madame Justice Odette Perron threw out every charge! Further, in a somewhat scathing rebuttal, she noted that all of the accusations were without foundation, many of the so-called statements were contradictory, and she could find no fault at all with Mr. Fournier.
Then, in what can only be described as educational decision-making run amuck, Mr. Fournier was reinstated by his school board (no back pay, by the way) and assigned as a teacher to the same school where many of the accusing girls were still students.
Whatever the formal ruling, Mr. Fournier is branded. No charges were ever laid against the minors who made false police reports, no disciplinary action was meted out to overzealous officers or educational administrators, and the insult of reassigning Mr. Fournier to an environment where his former accusers have free and unfettered reign to continue the gossip borders on harassment. In a final irony, a labour arbitrator recently ruled that Mr. Fournier is entitled to no back salary or benefits, and there will be no compensation for his additional legal expenses.
Status of Male Teachers
Such stories concern my students. As a teacher of teachers, I have a special interest in the status of male elementary teachers. As part of this shrinking minority myself, I watch with concern the declining numbers of males who select elementary education as a career path, and I view with sadness the kind of impact cases such as Mr. Fournier’s have on my education students.
At McGill’s Faculty of Education, the percentage of males opting for elementary teacher training rests, now, around five percent. This number has been slowly declining ­– from about 20 percent over my tenure with the Faculty. Within the broad Anglophone school network, many elementary schools are now places of a single gender. Many factors contribute to falling numbers of male teachers (lack of merit pay, stifling administrative regulations, double standards, and the like), but the sad reality is that the committed male classroom practitioner is slowly becoming a thing of the past. From the principal to the custodian, it is often the case that all in-school staff are female. To highlight this issue, it is not at all unusual for school administrators to call our Student Teaching Office and plead for a male student teacher.
There is no question that classroom teaching today is extremely challenging. Internal educational pressures are mounting as more and more special needs students are integrated into regular classrooms, and instructional materials are found wanting as increasing numbers of immigrant students bring diverse cultural histories into play within the close confines of the classroom environment. It is also fraught with danger. On a regular basis, as aptly documented in a CTV/W5 report “Unsafe to Teach” released in 2005, teachers are being verbally and physically assaulted, and increasingly subjected to false accusations of inappropriate behaviour. More and more teachers are leaving the classroom for other careers.
My students – both male and female – are quite prepared to take up the pedagogical issues raised by changing standards and a changing demographic; however, the spectre of violence and false accusations adds a level of danger that is truly frightening – the former to female student teachers, the latter primarily to males.
False Accusations
As there is no central database documenting false accusations, and as many cases are reported only at a local level without receiving any kind of national attention, attempts to accurately appraise the number, degree, and kind of false (and real) accusations of inappropriate behaviour against male teachers has been a daunting task. Internet organisations, such as “”, have tried to report such cases, and random searches of various news databases do tease out interesting human interest cases. However, formal attempts to quantify the issue have been frustrated by a lack of information.
However, thanks to a ground-breaking study by researchers from the Northern Canadian Centre for Education & the Arts (NORCCREA) at Nipissing University  entitled “A Report on the Professional Journey of Male Primary-Junior teachers in Ontario (Gosse, Parr, & Kristolaitis, 2010), we have an initial benchmark figure. Approximately 13 percent of the male teachers in their study – one in seven – reported that they had been falsely suspected of inappropriate contact with pupils. This is a significant number and, for the first time, quantifies the reality faced by male teachers.*
Despite the lack of national data, it is clear that classroom teachers across Canada are being falsely accused in growing numbers. Local teacher unions and other educational authorities are struggling to identify such incidents and, at the same time, appear ill-equipped to develop realistic procedures and plans that safeguard due process and the reputations of those falsely accused. Since we are not tracking the increasing level of violence (both verbal and physical) against teachers, it is likely that these incidents are under-reported, and we tend to ignore the extremely high dropout rate of teachers who leave the career path after less than a decade of experience. We don’t know how many leave because they have been falsely accused, or because they see others losing their reputations and careers because of lies, rumours, and innuendo.
There is no question that the children must be protected; any adult who does indeed act in an inappropriate way must be drummed out of the school system. But here comes the conundrum: how are the rights of innocent teachers protected?
Although schools, school boards, unions, and other educational stakeholders are scrambling to develop and implement policies, this is a complex issue on many levels. There is a general assumption that any student accusation simply must be true (kids don’t lie), and this is especially true if the accusation is made by a female student against a male teacher. The rights of children (often couched in the phrase “we must protect the students”) appear to take precedence over the rights of teachers. There is no question that the children must be protected; any adult who does indeed act in an inappropriate way must be drummed out of the school system. But here comes the conundrum: how are the rights of innocent teachers protected? And what action is taken against students and their parents who are shown to lie? In far too many cases, there is no “right to privacy” or “right to innocence before judgment”; rather, there appears to be a rush to judgment with little regard for the impact on the falsely accused individual or the collateral impact upon the school and other professionals within that environment.
False accusations are being made against both male and female teachers. These reports often take one of two broad avenues. In the first, and less severe, the teacher is accused by one or more students of being “unfair” or “picking on” a student. These accusations are usually wrapped around words such as “harassment” or “culture”. The second set of false accusations levelled against teachers is far more serious and might be broadly termed “sexual”. In these cases, students accuse a teacher of various forms of touching and/or other inappropriate communication.
Now, let’s be very clear on two fronts; some students lie, and some teachers act inappropriately. With millions of pupils in schools and tens of thousands of teachers in classrooms, inappropriate and questionable speech and actions are bound to occur. In many cases, such actions can be easily explained by the close quarters and natural connectedness between teacher and pupil. On the other hand, teachers do cross the line. Similarly, not every story out of the mouths of adolescents rings true. Incidents can be stretched and expanded and, in a growing number of cases, simply made up.
To help my male students prepare for an environment in which the usual student-teacher interactions can be misconstrued ­– intentionally or unintentionally – I have developed a list I call the “Six Nevers”. They illustrate how the threat of false accusations can interfere with the development of a warm, caring relationship between students and teachers, and why males considering teaching as a profession might have second thoughts.
Never touch a student!
Never be alone with a student, and never in a closed classroom!
Never use language/tone that can be interpreted as anything but professional.
Never use Facebook/Internet to chat or communicate with students!
Never maintain an outside school association with a student/family.
Never allow your guard to falter!
Another Narrative
A senior administrator characterized Ron Mayfield as an energetic and experienced teacher who related well to his students; his death was tragic. Mr. Mayfield was accused by one of his students of a physical assault. In line with school policy, he was immediately suspended (with pay) and police and youth services were notified.
While various investigations were carried out by many agencies, Mr. Mayfield was left on the sidelines. He was not kept abreast of actions and was left open to the rumour mill that swirled about in the school and the community. Unlike many such investigations, this one moved quickly and, within two weeks, it was clear that there was no substance to the charges. Further, the 13-year-old student had recanted his accusation.
Unfortunately, no one in any of the agencies thought to inform Mr. Mayfield. Sadly, he committed suicide. While it may never be proven, his family (and many colleagues) share the view that Mr. Mayfield sought this drastic release because he could not bear the stain of a false accusation and the thought that his whole career was on the line.
What is the punishment for students who lie about teachers? In today’s Canada, little is done in a systematic manner to hold youth accountable for their false narratives. In case after case, parents leap to the defence of apparently “abused” children and, when the dust has settled, offer no compensation to the aggrieved teacher. This skewed arrangement puts more emphasis on unsupported adolescent narratives than on verifiable facts.
In some isolated cases, individual teachers are fighting back. Teachers, both male and female, are personally resorting to the courts to seek redress from parents and school officials. In a small number of U.S. cases, the teachers have prevailed and been awarded significant amounts. Closer to home, falsely accused Quebec teacher David Fletcher, in a precedent setting case, was awarded damages in the $70,000 range. Nonetheless, far too many falsely accused teachers are on their own as they attempt to deal with legal and educational systems that do not have procedures in place to deal swiftly and fairly with student accusations.
The history of school-based abuse is a clouded one. The mainstream press is filled with recollections of religious transgressions and sexual abuses committed by teachers in First Nation and elite private schools. There is no question that children were abused in the past, and many reports of abuse were ignored (as evidenced by the Residential School situations). Yes, the reports of these abused children were discounted, and those in authority sometimes acted criminally. However, the common contemporary assumption – that any and all accusations against teachers (specifically male teachers) are true – flies in the face of data.
Many of the accusations made against teachers are false. They are stories – lies made up by students who find support in parents and friends who are far too quick to point fingers. Careers are ruined and families lost, and those who make such false accusations often face no consequences. Along with those who support them, these students are being allowed to undermine a pillar of the Canadian justice system: guilt must be proven in a court of law, and innocence is something that cannot be given back when falsely wrenched away.
EN BREF - Les modèles masculins deviennent de plus en plus rares dans les classes canadiennes et les facteurs démographiques indiquent que leur faible nombre continuera de diminuer. Le nouveau personnel enseignant est bien préparé aux questions pédagogiques soulevées par les nouvelles normes et par une nouvelle composition démographique des classes, mais le spectre de la violence et des fausses accusations ajoute des dangers qui font vraiment peur – aux étudiantes-maîtres dans le premier cas et aux étudiants-maîtres dans le deuxième. Un enseignant masculin sur sept est faussement soupçonné de contact inapproprié avec des élèves et les systèmes scolaires canadiens ne disposent pas de procédures pour réagir rapidement et pour protéger la réputation des innocents faussement accusés. Bien que la sécurité des élèves soit primordiale, les droits du personnel enseignant doivent également être protégés.
* Please note that on April 29, 2011 a correction was made online to this paragraph, clarifying the results of the research cited. 

Grey Cup to be on the curriculum in Manitoba schools

Posted: 10/5/2015 9:13 AM | Last Modified: 10/5/2015 6:07 PM | Updates | Comments:

Teacher Nissa Chmilowsky of Darwin School uses the new 103rd Grey Cup innovative teacher tool to students. Left to right: Jordan Nelson, Tristan Turner, Tiana Normand, Erin Tormey and Madi Hope.

Tossing a football in class is verboden, but tossing around Grey Cup facts and figures in the run-up to the 103rd Grey Cup will be on the curriculum in Manitoba schools.
A 45-page teacher's toolkit was has been released that includes more than 200 examples of how the Grey Cup, football and sport can be used to teach other subjects. Manitoba teachers can integrate football history, statistics, and team building into classroom mathematics, social studies and even dance lessons.
The program was launched today by the 103rd Grey Cup Festival team at St. Vital's Darwin School, chosen because it has already adopted the education supplement. The Grade 5/6 teacher Nissa Chmilowsky won for her innovative approach to integrating football to her class to explore community engagement and fair play.
The school was visited this morning by Winnipeg Blue Bomber players, Matt Bucknor and Maurice Leggett, and Bomber mascots Buzz and Boomer. Education Minister James Allum was also on hand.
The education supplement can be found here.
The 103rd Grey Cup game is in Winnipeg this year on November 29.

Some 34,000 Quebec teachers off the job to protest lagging contract talks

By: Lia Levesque, The Canadian Press

Posted: 09/30/2015 9:53 AM       | Last Modified: 09/30/2015 4:16 PM

MONTREAL - Nearly one-third of Quebec's public school students had the day off Wednesday as their teachers went on strike to protest lagging contract talks with the provincial government.
The French-language teachers demonstrated outside schools before making their way to Montreal for a rally to decry what they call a decline in working conditions and the quality of education offered to students.
French-language public school teachers demonstrate in Montreal, Wednesday, September 30, 2015, where they protested against government austerity cutsl. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Graham Hughes
The 34,000 unionized teachers, part of a federation encompassing several boards, represent about one-third of the province's educators.
Wednesday's strike affected about 300,000 students at some 800 institutions in the Montreal area, the lower Laurentians region north of Montreal and the Outaouais area near Ottawa.
Union officials say there has been no progress despite 70 meetings between negotiators and they blame the province and school administrators for wanting to increase class sizes, thus putting a huge burden on teachers while significantly reducing student services.
The province is offering the same deal to all government employees — a two-year freeze followed by a one per cent annual hike over three years. A common front of para-public and public sector unions is seeking 4.5 per cent per year over three years.
"We consider the wage increases reflect the work we're asked to perform with respect to the students," said union president Sylvain Mallette, adding salary is but one sticking point.
"There's also working conditions in which they want us to work with students, and these are unacceptable."
He noted that class sizes are set to get bigger, increasing the workload on teachers.
Wednesday was the first of three strike days the union announced last spring, with the next one scheduled for the latter part of October. Other unionized teachers have also voted in favour of strikes, with rotating actions coming later in the fall.
Education Minister Francois Blais says he deplores the teachers' decision to strike, adding the legal actions only penalize students and parents.
Blais denied the government wants to add to the workload of teachers and also denied the province is looking to end special-education classes.
Blais said in Quebec City a 13.5 per cent salary hike over three years is unrealistic as the government struggles to get its finances in order.
"It isn't possible to ask taxpayers to pay that," he said.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

News Articles, Post X

(All pictures have been removed from the articles because they take up so much memory in each post. To see the pictures use the web address and visit the sites of the newspapers.)

Critics furious as zoo carves up lion, pulls its intestines out in front of children


The dissection of a dead male lion at the Odense zoo in Denmark.

Denmark Lion

This year the zoo has killed three of its lions, saying they had failed to find new homes for them despite numerous attempts.

Lotte Tang Berg, left, and Rasmus Kolind at work Thursday.

"The reason we are dissecting it is that we believe there is a lot of education involved in dissecting a lion," Michael Wallberg Sorensen, a zookeeper at the Odense Zoo in central Denmark, told AFP before.

Children react during the operation Thursday.

Children reacts to the dissection of the male lion in Odense Thursday.

ODENSE, Denmark — A Danish zoo publicly dissected a year-old male lion Thursday, pulling out its blood-red organs to show a few hundred people including children — an event met outside of Denmark with criticism and online protests.
Adult spectators brought scarfs to their noses to ward off the pungent smell as they watched the dissection, considered by many in this Scandinavian country of 5.6 million to be an educational program. The event was deliberately scheduled to take place during the annual fall school holidays.
A Brussels-based animal protection group, however, sharply criticized Odense Zoo, 170 kilometres west of Copenhagen, for killing three healthy young lions this year.
Joanna Swabe, head of the Humane Society International/Europe, said in a statement that “zoos routinely over-breed and kill lions and thousands of other animals deemed surplus to requirements.”
She said zoos have “an ethical responsibility” and can use contraceptive options “to manage reproduction, prevent inbreeding (and) maintain genetically healthy populations.”
One of central Denmark’s most popular tourist attractions, Odense Zoo has done public dissections for 20 years. On Thursday, scores of children stood around a table where the zoo had displayed a stuffed lion cub next to the lion being dissected.
Odense Zoo employee Lotte Tranberg said the male lion and its two siblings were killed in February because they were getting sexually mature and could have started mating with each other and the zoo wanted to avoid inbreeding. They also could have killed each other because they would have been kept in the same enclosure, she said.
Tranberg talked about the lives of big cats before cutting up the stiff carcass of the lion, which had white tuffs of fur on its legs and stomach. She also held up the lion’s blood-red organs to show the crowd. Children raised their hands to ask questions during the operation, which she answered.
Ole Hanson, a 54-year-old military officer, carried his 5-year-old grandson Frej on his shoulders so he could watch the dissection as it started.
“But he wanted to get down and have a closer look. So he ended up front, right before the lion,” Hanson said.
“For all the kids living in towns, it’s wonderful for them to see and it’s only natural,” said Gitte Johanson, 28, another visitor who grew up on a farm.
The zoo said it decided to dissect a male lion this time because it was bigger than its female sibling.
Zoo officials say the lions were killed after they had failed to find new homes for the animals despite numerous attempts. The remains of the two other siblings — another male and a female — are still in a zoo freezer, and officials have not decided what to do with them, said Jens Odgaard Olsson, manager of the zoo.
On Facebook, a few dozen people on Thursday accused the zoo and Denmark of having a lack of compassion. But on the zoo’s Facebook page, ordinary Danes defended the dissection, asking English-speaking commentators whether they ever had been to a slaughterhouse.
“Life isn’t the Disney Channel. Get over it …” Mikael Soenderskov, one of the Danes defending the dissection, wrote.
Public dissections are common in Denmark. The Funen Village, an open-air museum in Odense, slaughtered and dissected a pig Wednesday before children while explaining which parts of the animal are eaten.
Odense Zoo itself was elected “Best in Europe” in the category of zoos with up to 500,000 visitors per year in 2013 and 2015.
In February 2014, however, Copenhagen Zoo faced international protests after a giraffe was killed, dissected and fed to lions in front of children. 

Quebec teachers sound optimistic note about labour talks


Published on: October 15, 2015 | Last Updated: October 15, 2015 7:46 PM EDT

French-language public school teachers demonstrate in Montreal, Wednesday, September 30, 2015, where they protested against government austerity cuts.
French-language public school teachers demonstrate in Montreal, Wednesday, September 30, 2015, where they protested against government austerity cuts. GRAHAM HUGHES / THE CANADIAN PRESS
Quebec — They may not be ready to claim victory just yet, but teachers in the province say they have gotten rid of several “irritants” during negotiations with the government on a new collective agreement.
Richard Goldfinch, president of the Quebec Provincial Association of Teachers (QPAT), told the Montreal Gazette on Thursday that the tone at the bargaining table has changed. “What we did this last week was we came back with our global proposal and they accepted it quite well. They looked at it and went ‘wow’ there’s some really interesting stuff here. And there was some excitement at that point,” he said.
According to Goldfinch, the Couillard government has abandoned the idea of increasing teachers’ workweek from 32 to 35 hours in the collective agreement, and will not increase the student-teacher ratio in elementary schools. The province also allegedly agreed to maintain allocated funds and hundreds of resource-teacher jobs to help children with special needs.
Treasury Board President Martin Coiteux did not confirm the information, but his press attaché, Marie-Ève Pelletier, said discussions around the negotiating table are indeed constructive. “We wish for a positive outcome, to reach a negotiated agreement which respects taxpayers’ capacity to pay and which does not lead to an increase in taxes or compromise achieving a balanced budget in 2015-16,” she said.
QPAT, which represents 8,000 teachers in the province’s English schools, is partners with the Fédération des syndicats de l’enseignement (FSE) representing 65,000 teachers. Another 30,000 teachers are represented by the Fédération autonome de l’enseignement. All of these unions have rotating strike mandates, which they threaten to use toward the end of October.
Teachers from at least 10 schools in the Quebec City area have also cancelled Halloween celebrations as part of their pressure tactics, the media learned on Thursday.
“We have this large strike mandate, we also have parents supporting us because parents want to see a reinvestment in the school system. We’re out there constantly … and I think what happened is the government woke up and went, ‘Oh, we need to do something here, we need to make ourselves look a little better right now’,” Goldfinch said, adding the larger question of salaries and pensions still needs to be addressed.
Teachers, together with all public sector workers, are asking for a 13.5 per cent raise over three years, while the government has offered a two per cent salary increase over five years.
“You need to show teachers that they’re respected and this is attached to salary,” argued Goldfinch. “Younger teachers, new teachers coming into the system could progress along the salary scale a little faster so you can attract good teachers to the system and retain them. That’s still up for grabs.”
“It’s a roller-coaster ride,” he said.

Seclusion rooms in schools do more harm than good, experts say

Group urges B.C. government to ban controversial practice

By Jennifer Clibbon, CBC News Posted: Oct 12, 2015 8:00 AM ET Last Updated: Oct 12, 2015 8:53 AM ET

The use of so-called "seclusion rooms" in schools seems like a throwback to another era. But they were in the news this week amid a report by CTV about a child in B.C. with Down Syndrome who, it was revealed, was regularly locked in a room when he was judged to be disruptive.
Many Canadians may be unaware that seclusion rooms are, according to experts in special education, used by school boards across the country as a place to send kids with special needs for "time-outs."
Should 'isolation rooms' be banned in B.C. schools?
School seclusion rooms concern Autism Society
Autistic boy kept in 'isolation rooms' at Peel schools, lawsuit alleges
The non-profit advocacy group Inclusion BC was the first to publish data about this practice in its 2013 report Stop Hurting Kids: Restraint and Seclusion in BC Schools.
'One of my colleagues was in tears.'
— Sheila Bennett
But the organization said last week the provincial government has done almost no followup since the report came out, and that seclusion rooms should be banned.
CBC News asked three Canadian experts in special education about the use of seclusion rooms and the argument against them.
Pat Mirenda is an expert in special education at the University of British Columbia, Sheila Bennett is a professor in teacher education at Brock University, and Jacqueline Specht is director of the Canadian Research Centre on Inclusive Education at Western University.
Just what exactly is a seclusion room?
Mirenda: A room or space in which a child is involuntarily confined and from which he or she is physically prevented from exiting, usually because the door or exit is locked or blocked in some manner.
Bennett: Sometimes called "isolation rooms" or "calming rooms" — at their most extreme they are locked rooms with padded walls and oftentimes can be an available nurse's room, empty office or another available space.
Seclusion room at New Westminster Secondary School
According to Inclusion BC's 2013 report, this photo shows a seclusion room at New Westminster Secondary School. (Inclusion BC)
What's your own reaction to the fact that they exist in Canada?
Specht: I was saddened when I first read the report [by Inclusion BC] in 2013 … In a bygone era perhaps we did not know better. We know better now and our institutions of learning should not participate in activities that we know are physically and psychologically harmful.
Bennett: The existence of rooms like this pose a particularly disturbing problem for teachers. If you are in a school where one is built there is an unconscious or conscious support for its use. As educators the notion that dollars would be spent on such a thing must suggest to us that we should use it and that it must be of benefit to students. That is the real danger of these rooms.
How prevalent is their use across Canada?
Sheila Bennett is a professor in teacher education at Brock University. (Brock University)
Mirenda: We don't know, as data collection and reporting requirements about its use are school-district specific in Canada.
But in July 2015, a report entitled How Safe is the Schoolhouse? found that seclusion was used at least 110,000 times in one school year in the United States, based on data collection is the states where this is a requirement. So, this is a common practice in most school districts, it would seem.
Bennett: In Canada the use of seclusion rooms would be specific to jurisdictions and individual school boards. Indeed schools themselves would vary in terms of school practices and usage. In Ontario, school boards that have isolation rooms are required to have plans in place for their use.
Describe one you have encountered.
Bennett: I have seen more than one example. In the EU on an inclusive education research trip I saw a small house as part of a residential school for students with special needs with one boy who spent his days and nights alone there with centre staff. In Ontario, in the middle of a high school I also saw an isolation room. One of my colleagues was in tears just seeing that they still existed.
Mirenda: It was a small room, maybe five feet by six feet, with a padded mat on the floor and padded walls, and a locked door with a small Plexiglas window for observation. It was in a high school in B.C. in 2012, and was used specifically with a student with autism.
When were they introduced and why are they used?
Mirenda: Seclusion rooms are not new; they have been around for years, probably as long as schools have existed … Ironically, they are often referred to as "calm down" rooms, although it is unlikely that a student will calm down when he or she is locked in a room and prevented from leaving it. 
What's the argument for banning seclusion rooms?
Pat Mirenda is an expert in special education at the University of British Columbia. (UBC)
Specht: They are not in keeping with the dignity of the human person. They tell students that they are bad people and need to be punished. The punishment destroys any attempt that has been made to develop a healthy relationship with that child. Punishment does not teach children more socially desirable behaviours. If a child could monitor and self-regulate, he/she would. Clearly children that escalate need teaching on what they can do to control their own behaviours.
Mirenda: They are not educative at all; at best, the student who is placed in seclusion might learn what not to do but they provide no supports designed to teach the student what to do. They are traumatizing, both for the student who is placed in such a room and for classmates who observe their friend being treated in this way and probably wonder if the same thing can happen to them. Finally, they are a violation of the student's right to autonomy and dignity as a human being.
What is the thinking among special needs experts about the alternatives to seclusion and isolation?
Specht: As social beings we need people. We need to belong … Much of the research in this area tells us that when schools implement programs that help children develop social and emotional regulation and the whole school is working together, children thrive. A healthy environment is key.
What kind of support do teachers need in order to make that happen?
Jacqueline Specht is director of the Canadian Research Centre on Inclusive Education at Western University. (Western University)
Specht: Teachers need to believe that they are capable to teach all students, and given the support to work with students who have behavioural challenges in a positive rather than punitive manner. When the whole school has the same perspective and some expertise in implementing positive behaviour supports, all teachers can learn. 
Mirenda: Teachers need training in functional behaviour assessment and positive behaviour support, and they need ready access to a district- or board-level team with specific expertise in these procedures, for back up.
In most cases, teachers place students in seclusion rooms out of desperation, when they don't know what else to do, so the real solution is to prevent behaviour from escalating to the point where seclusion is even on the radar screen — and we know how to do this.

Long inquest has bad start

Posted: Tuesday, October 6, 2015 6:00 am

AN INQUEST is defined as a legal inquiry led by a coroner, usually with a jury to determine the cause of a sudden death where there is a possibility that the death was the result of a crime or of a situation that could be dangerous to others. The largest inquest in Ontario’s history finally got under way in Thunder Bay Monday. It deals with seven deaths, not one. If crimes were involved they likely have more to do with the vast inequities in Canada’s remote First Nations reserve system and the expectation that needed secondary education simply means moving young people to cities and expecting them to cope with the culture shock. It is a situation that has proven dangerous more than these seven times and surely will again if we do not find a way to ease the transition. Hopefully, this inquest will do that when the jury issues its recommendations in an estimated six months’ time. But the process did not get off to an auspicious start.
Despite three years of planning, the inquest was late in starting Monday and did not have enough seats for family members. A lawyer for the families complained about the cramped quarters — in Thunder Bay’s gargantuan new courthouse — prompting the coroner to promise a bigger room today.
The delays in planning and starting are themselves a form of crime against the families of seven young people — mothers, fathers and siblings who have waited all this time to find out why they died here, far from home. Aside from the direct causes of deaths, the inquest is also expected to examine police response to them and the wider issue of often strained relations between First Nations people and the rest of the Thunder Bay community.
This repeated pattern of death by drowning and also, allegedly, by drugs, has caused some to question the need for an inquest at all. Don’t we already know essentially what happened? Haven’t First Nations leaders been saying for years that expecting teenagers from tiny fly-in communities in Ontario’s Far North to fit into boarding homes and attend a big, new school hundreds of miles from home is expecting too much — expecting trouble?
Plans for a First Nations student residence in Thunder Bay close to Dennis Franklin Cromarty High School will provide like companionship and guidance. That such a setup might also magnify the excesses typical of student residences is a challenge for its creators but it is a challenge worth taking.
The real value of this inquest is that we will have examined the problems in this distance education experiment and probably ways to fix them. Most important of all is that the jury recommendations will have legal standing. They will have to be addressed, politically. It will be up to all Ontarians to decide if reasonable recommendations result in realistic solutions for the benefit and safety of First Nations youth who must pursue an education if they have any hope of succeeding in life and, ideally, making life better on the difficult and sometimes dangerous reserves they come from.

Waterloo firm promises porn-free schools

Jeff Outhit

Waterloo Region Record  |  Oct 10, 2015

WATERLOO REGION — A Waterloo technology firm says it can bar schoolchildren from seeing pornography online, but it's been unable to interest the local public school board or the province after reaching out.
Netsweeper says schools around the world use its website-blocking products, as does the Kitchener Public Library. The firm says it can tailor a system to let each local school decide its Internet filtering, without slowing network access.
"We only make a tool that allows them to choose what they want to stop, block, or do, according to the policies of that school system," said Perry Roach, chief executive. "Some schools are very strict. Some countries care a lot about what their children see, and some don't care anything about what they see."
He said the firm would happily let the public board test its technology.
Local school boards filter the Internet, but education trustee Cindy Watson says some children at the public board are accessing pornographic or racist material, on purpose or by accident. She wants the Waterloo Region District School Board to consider letting individual schools apply stronger filtering. Trustees are expected to debate her call in November.
The public board does not let schools choose their own Internet filtering, concerned in part that some schools might go too far and begin to censor. Watson would not comment on Netsweeper, but does not see barring pornography from children as censorship. "To me, this is just another safeguard. It's another protection," she said.
Netsweeper attracted controversy for selling its technology to autocratic regimes that may use it to censor online speech or information that Canadians consider democratic. The firm says it's up to clients to decide how to use its products. "We don't pull the trigger. We just make the tool," Roach said.

Back to the farm: Ontario urging students to consider careers in agriculture

Keith Leslie

Waterloo Region Record  |  Oct 11, 2015

Rori Schaefer feeds a Rhode Island Red hen at Kitchener's Steckle Farm in 2013. Ontario politicians want more young people to pursue careers in agriculture.

TORONTO — Ontario politicians are taking steps to get more young people to consider careers in the province's agricultural and food sector, including some high-tech options.
Progressive Conservative MPP Lisa Thompson lined up all-party support for her motion to add a component on the agriculture-food sector to the "careers and guidance curriculum" for Grades 9 and 10 students.
"The reality is, for every graduate from the University of Guelph (agricultural programs), three jobs are waiting for them," said Thompson.
"We need to educate our young people about the amazing opportunities that are out there in terms of agri-food careers."
New Democrat MPP John Vanthof, who owned a dairy farm for 30 years, said there are huge opportunities in the sector, and not just in traditional ways.
"It's not just on the farm and it's not just in the elevator," said Vanthof. "I don't have a dairy farm any longer, but my daughter designs GPS systems for agriculture."
The Liberal government signalled its intention to act on Thompson's motion, and said young people should be told about the job possibilities in the sector.
"Students need to know that a career in farming is not just about long hours and hard physical toil," said Liberal MPP Arthur Potts, parliamentary assistant to the minister of agricultural and rural affairs. "Modern farming requires advanced knowledge of science, economics, marketing and much more to be successful."
The Ontario Federation of Agriculture, which represents 37,000 farm families, said the sector is vital to the economy, and students should know it's also about protecting the environment and using the latest science and technology to increase production.
"I don't only need kids in my own labour force that know how to splice barbed wire on a fence, but (I need them to) know how to splice genes to make the next hybrid that's going to revolutionize things here in Ontario," said federation president Don McCabe.
The non-profit Ontario Agri-Food Education Inc. said too many students do not have a realistic idea of where their food comes from and need to learn "the truth" about agriculture and farm practices.
"Until that happens, none of them are going to want careers in this sector," said executive director Colleen Smith. "They're all driven by a social conscience that is very refreshing these days in high school students, and we want to make sure that agriculture is there to answer those questions for them in the classroom."
Labour shortages are a top issue for agriculture businesses, and Smith predicts there will be about 74,000 job openings in Canada's agri-food sector by 2022, but warns one in three will go unfilled because of a shortage of applicants.
Vanthof frequently had students tour his dairy farm, and said he realized the need to better educate young people about farming during a visit by a high school class.
"One of the kids said: 'Boy, I'm glad we get our milk from the store because we sure wouldn't want to get it from cows,' and he was serious," he said. "We changed the focus of our tours to talk about GPS and (technology), and kids got very interested."
The Canadian Press

Another view: Preparing for a grey tsunami


Waterloo Region Record  |  Oct 08, 2015

An editorial from the Winnipeg Free Press:

There is a reason federal party leaders are meeting elderly Canadians on their campaigns. Older people vote in high numbers; much higher than younger Canadians.
And now, Statistics Canada figures show, the country is aging, slowly but surely, giving senior citizens power at the polls.
The number of people 65 and older crossed a threshold in 2014, comprising just a slightly greater proportion than Canadians 14 and younger. That means public policy — and vote-buying promises — are increasingly focused on the realities and demands of an aging population. Older Canadians marking ballots Oct. 19 will choose among party pledges that boost tax credits and incomes for senior citizens, ensure they can live longer in their own homes or, when the time comes, be assured there's a bed in a nursing home waiting for them.
Canadians should get used to seeing their taxes spent on services to elderly people, because the trend shows that age group is where the growth is. In fact, demographers forecast in a decade's time, those 65-plus will make up more than 20 per cent of the population.
The rise of the grey wave — a tsunami some have said — has implications, such as fewer young people working, paying the taxes and pension premiums that fund services and programs for everyone, including the retired.
Top of mind is the health-care system, which will have to serve a larger number of Canadians at the ages when the use of hospitals and family doctors intensifies. By 2036, the Canadian Medical Association predicts, 62 per cent of health budgets in the country will be spent on the elderly.
There was no surprise, then, that Tom Mulcair homed in on dementia as a priority for an NDP government, forming a strategy to screen for and treat it and to help families care for the afflicted.
Manitoba appears to have a little more time to prepare for an aging population. Rising immigration and a high First Nations population (disproportionately young) have helped keep the province young as baby boomers move into retirement age. And so this province has to work to ensure young people are educated, trained and ready for the jobs.
But it also has work to do to ensure the health system, most immediately, can meet the demand. A new survey done by the Canadian Institute of Health Information shows that might be a challenge, especially as it relates to the elderly. Manitoba saw more physicians than other provinces leave to work elsewhere in the country, and most of them were family doctors — the go-to medical professional right now for the elderly.
That's remarkable in that family doctors are paid better here, on average, than in other provinces. (Alberta paid the most in 2014, but that was also true of specialists, who seem to be staying in Manitoba.)
But there's only so much the health system — and the provincial treasury that sustains it — can do. The evidence is the elderly today are healthier, and wealthier, than were their parents. Keeping fit and sticking to a healthy lifestyle while aging is the best bet for living longer in good health. And that is where more effort of government departments and health professionals should be focused — pushing exercise, not pills.
It's natural for Canadians to look to their governments to direct spending on services and programs suited to the needs of the country. And that is particularly true of the big priorities — meeting the need for skilled labour, preparing for chronic diseases, adequate and appropriate housing or income supports.
But no one needs a politician to tell us what happens to spending — and taxes — if a disproportionately older population is a sicker, disabled population.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

News Articles, Post IX

Conflicts of Interest: Nepotism

Please note that a law passed in 2007 changed how the nepotism laws affect hiring in large districts. These changes apply to all hires made after September 1, 2007. This document describes the nepotism laws currently in place.
Q: What is nepotism?
A. A public official may not appoint, confirm the appointment of, or vote for the appointment or confirmation of the appointment of an individual to a position that is to be directly or indirectly compensated from public funds if the individual is related to the public official or another member of the board by blood (consanguinity) within the third degree or by marriage (affinity) within the second degree. Tex. Gov’t Code §§ 573.002, .041. School district officials who have the power to appoint or employ these persons are subject to the nepotism rules.
Q: Which relatives by blood (consanguinity) are affected by the nepotism prohibition?
A. Relatives within the third degree. An individual is related to the public official by blood within the third degree, if the public official is the individual’s:
1. Parent or child (first degree)
2. Grandparent, grandchild, sister, or brother (second degree)
3. Great grandparent, great grandchild, aunt, uncle, niece, or nephew (third degree)
Q: Which relatives by marriage (affinity) are affected by the nepotism prohibition?
A. Relatives within the second degree. The marriage prohibition applies if the public official’s spouse is the prospective employee (first degree); or if the public official’s spouse is the prospective employee’s:
1. Parent or child (first degree)
2. Grandparent, grandchild, sister, or brother (second degree)
The marriage prohibition also applies if the prospective employee’s spouse is the public official’s:
1. Parent or child (first degree)
2. Grandparent, grandchild, sister, or brother (second degree)
A relationship by marriage extends only to blood relatives of a board member’s spouse and the spouses of a board member’s blood relatives. It does not include a relative-in-law of board member’s spouse.
Q: Who is considered a “public official” under the nepotism prohibition?
A. For nepotism purposes, a public official of a school district is a member of the school board or an officer of the school district. Tex. Gov’t Code § 573.001(3). Depending on the county population and your district’s delegation of hiring authority (see below) the term public official could include school board trustees, the superintendent, and sometimes both.
Q: When is the superintendent a “public official” for the purposes of the nepotism prohibition?
A. A superintendent is a public official for purposes of nepotism if he or she has final hiring authority for the employment position. The Texas Education Code permits a school board to delegate some or all of its hiring authority to the superintendent. Tex. Educ. Code § 11.1513(a)(2). Commonly, this delegation of hiring authority is limited to at-will employees.
If the school board has delegated hiring authority, the superintendent is subject to the nepotism laws to the extent of that delegation. If, for example, a board delegated final hiring authority for at-will employees to a superintendent, the superintendent could not hire his wife for an at-will position at the district. The board, however, could hire the superintendent’s wife for a contract position.
To the extent the board has retained hiring authority, the superintendent is merely an employee or agent and is not a public official subject to prohibitions under the nepotism statutes. Pena v. Rio Grande Consol. Indep. Sch. Dist., 616 S.W.2d 658 (Tex. Civ. App.— Eastland 1981, no writ).
Q: When is a trustee a “public official” for the purposes of the nepotism prohibition?
A. Generally, a trustee is always going to be a public official for nepotism purposes. Therefore, the school district in which the trustee serves is not allowed to hire a trustee’s relative within a prohibited degree of relationship.
A limited exception to this definition of public official applies only to districts in “small counties,” counties with a population of fewer than 35,000 people. For districts in small counties, the term public official does not include a school board trustee when the superintendent is filling an employment position for which the superintendent has hiring authority. Tex. Educ. Code § 11.1513(a), (f)-(g).
Q: What constitutes a “small county” for the purpose of the nepotism prohibition?
A. A small county is one with a population of fewer than 35,000 people. According to the law, the nepotism prohibition does not apply to a relative of a trustee if the board delegates hiring authority to the superintendent and the school district is either completely within a county with a population of fewer than 35,000, or in more than one county, if the county in which the largest portion of the school district is located has a population of fewer than 35,000.
Tex. Educ. Code § 11.1513(g).

At Last, Scrutiny for Public-Union Deals

A growing movement is opening labor negotiations so taxpayers can see how their money is being spent.


May 21, 2015 7:08 p.m. ET

If you’ve ever spent hundreds on a smartphone or thousands on a new car, you know what it’s like to hunt for the best deal. Yet when paying for state and local government services worth billions, Americans often hand politicians a blank check without ever knowing if they could get more for their money. 
Year after year, elected officials behind closed doors negotiate labor contracts for 19 million state and local government workers. The result? Skyrocketing salaries, health-care costs and pension benefits are making services like public schools and policing unaffordable for taxpayers. According to the Bureau of Economic Analysis, compensation for government workers nationwide has grown 21% since 2000, compared with only 9% in the private economy.
Fortunately a growing list of states now shine light on secretive contract negotiations with public-employee unions—putting taxpayers back in charge. In April, Idaho’s governor signed a bill requiring open meetings and records in all executive labor negotiations. Colorado did the same last fall for public-school district contract talks. Similar legislation is advancing in Washington, and the Pennsylvania Senate passed two transparency bills this month.
The first of the Keystone State’s bills provides the public with independent cost estimates of the state’s government union contracts before ratification. Separate legislation requires such contracts to be made accessible on government websites at least two weeks before they’re signed. A similar bill awaits the governor’s signature in Nevada.
Giving the public advance notice and cost estimates on billion-dollar agreements might seem like basic reform, but it has been met with some opposition. “It’s simply anti-labor, anti-worker legislation,” Tom Herman, the president of Service Employees International Union Local 668 told the news website PennLive. Of course the union stands to profit from keeping the process secret.
To date, 12 states offer some kind of public access to the negotiating room. More state and local governments should offer a clear view of what taxpayers are on the hook for. After all, taxpayers supply the money to employ government workers, and labor contracts can be years- and even decades-long financial commitments.
It’s natural for people who hire representatives, like real-estate agents or attorneys, to monitor their performance—and the price at which it comes. The same should be done with elected officials who often have incentives to serve themselves rather than their constituents.
The public pension crisis facing states from California to New Jersey to Illinois is a great illustration of politicians and union leaders making backroom deals that taxpayers could never afford. Overly generous benefits aren’t the only concern: A conflict of interest exists when elected officials bargain with public unions behind closed doors.
Pennsylvania’s Democratic Gov. Tom Wolf must negotiate contracts worth $3.4 billion with 16 labor unions by this summer. Six of these unions contributed more than $2.6 million to Mr. Wolf’s election campaign, and so the governor has a strong incentive to reward his financial backers.
Despite the state’s budget deficit, Gov. Wolf this week agreed to one-year extensions for two unions with pay increases and no concessions in health-care benefits. Taxpayers learned about the deals, which will cost $23 million more than the previous year, from a news release.
Surprisingly enough, transparency is beginning to garner support even among some labor leaders. When Maryland’s Howard County decided in 2013 to open talks for school workers, the head of the local teachers union, Paul Lemle, supported the change. “Great public schools are not built just with bricks, but with a good contract and good relationships between the school system and its employees,” he said. And in New Mexico, the Albuquerque Teachers Federation offered open contract meetings as a way for the public to understand union positions.
In the end, open collective bargaining is a growing national movement because it’s good government. Allowing public access to contract negotiations will tame spending and shift control back to citizens, where it belongs.
Mr. Brouillette is president and CEO of the Commonwealth Foundation, a free-market think tank in Harrisburg, Pa.

Greg Selinger accused of making union deals to win NDP leadership

Leadership contest was a 'drive-by attack on democracy,' says PC Leader Brian Pallister

CBC News Posted: Mar 09, 2015 12:54 PM CT Last Updated: Mar 10, 2015 6:04 AM CT

The NDP leadership race is over and Greg Selinger staying on as premier and party leader, but Progressive Conservative Leader Brian Pallister says he believes Selinger cut deals with union leaders to secure the win.
Selinger fended off challenges from former cabinet ministers Theresa Oswald and Steve Ashton to keep his job at the party's leadership convention in Winnipeg on Sunday.
Pallister said the fact that New Democrats voted back Selinger, who faced a revolt from former members of his own cabinet last year, reflects poorly on the party.
Furthermore, he said NDP members didn't have a say in the outcome of the leadership race, but the unions did.
"This was a drive-by attack on democracy," Pallister told reporters.
"We need a province where everybody feels like they're equal and they have an equal opportunity for success. And I don't think if you ask the NDP members who were in that hall this weekend, they feel that way, and I know Manitobans don't feel that way."
Part of Selinger's success came from union support. He came into Sunday's convention with the backing of the Canadian Union of Public Employees and the United Food and Commercial Workers.
He later gained delegates from the United Fire Fighters of Winnipeg after Ashton was dropped from the ballot following the first round of voting.
"The premier of Manitoba is now the premier because he cut deals with public-sector union bosses in a back room last week and he guaranteed himself … the support of the United Food and Commercial Workers, he somehow got the firefighters to support him, and he did that with taxpayers' money and he needs to come clean on what he promised those groups," Pallister said.
"Those are union boss leaders who, quite rightly, are fighting for the best interest of their members, and they would have directed their votes to go in support of Premier Selinger for a reason. They didn't do it for a lark."
Selinger committed to 'treat people fairly'
Selinger said Pallister's claims are not accurate.
"I made it very clear that I would not be making any specific commitment to anybody other than to treat people fairly and make sure that whatever we do serves the best interests of Manitobans," he said.
United Fire Fighters president Alex Forrest agreed that no deal was made.
Premier Greg Selinger talks with CBC's Marcy Markusa after winning the Manitoba NDP leadership election Sunday.
"It was a very tough decision to begin with whether we were going to support Greg Selinger or Steve Ashton, but there were no backroom deals. There was none of that," Forrest told CBC News.
"Premier Selinger has been a tremendous advocate for firefighters — for resources, for assisting us to be able to do our job, making tremendous changes to workplace health and safety — so that's why we went to Greg Selinger on that second ballot."
Selinger will take the party into the next provincial election, scheduled for April 2016.
​Flin Flon NDP MLA Clarence Pettersen said the internal turmoil and the leadership race were tough on everyone in the part, but he looks forward to the future.
"I think Greg himself has changed," Pettersen said.
"I think we needed a shakeup, we got a shakeup, and because of the shakeup we're going to move forward in a unified team."
Pallister said now that the NDP leadership race is over, he hopes MLAs can "get back into the business that matters to Manitobans instead of watching this curious infighting."

The Australian

Union Deals Led to $1.4 million Windfall

Brad Norington

September 6, 2014

Source: News Corp Australia

THE Electrical Trades Union in Victoria scored a $4.5 million bonanza in “management fees” and other payments in just 12 months, by pushing employers across the state into preferred supplier deals negotiated by its then leader Dean Mighell.
The extraordinary arrangement meant the ETU pocketed a 20 per cent commission on the premiums paid by employers to cover their workers for income­protection insurance in the 2013 financial year.
The employer group representing firms in the industry, the National Electrical and Communications
Association, also benefited, receiving almost $330,000 in directors’ fees and other income in the same period.
When Mr Mighell quit as secretary of the ETU’s Victorian branch in March last year, the company given exclusive rights by his union to procure income­protection insurance hired him as a consultant. He was paid a $100,000 upfront fee and a $15,000­a­month retainer by ATC Insurance Solutions to “open doors” by securing introductions to other unions.
With Mr Mighell’s help, the Maritime Union of Australia came on board with a similar scheme to the ETU’s. Mr Mighell had a “falling out” with ATC this year and ceased working as its consultant.
A fortnight after the termination of his contract, Mr Mighell sent the company an invoice for a $165,000 “bonus payment”.
Details of the lucrative payments for the ETU and Mr Mighell were revealed during proceedings of the royal commission into union corruption in Sydney yesterday. The ETU, now led by Mr Mighell’s successor, Troy Gray, continues to receive the payments.
The commission’s counsel assisting, Jeremy Stoljar SC, said the focus of investigations was why the
ETU had chosen specific service providers, what payments were received, the extent of disclosure and whether the union scheme unnecessarily inflated employer costs and building project costs. He said “management fees” were really commissions paid to the union. The ETU had been able to secure preferred supplier agreements beneficial to the union by signing employers, in wage negotiations led by Mr Mighell, to “framework” enterprise­bargaining agreements. Each pro­forma agreement reached with electrical contracting firms required that they used providers associated with the union to make payments for workers’ income­protection insurance, severance­pay fund, long­service­leave fund and superannuation.
The Australian Industry Group said last night the ETU scheme was the “most glaring” example of the millions of dollars paid each year to unions by insurance companies and brokers. The Ai Group, in a submission to the commission, said insurers and brokers offered income­protection insurance products to employers at inflated prices and paid a percentage of the takings to unions. Ai Group chief executive Innes Willox accused unions of coercing employers to buy insurance products from organisations with which they had financial arrangements.
“Some construction unions appear to have a business model of deliberately engaging in unlawful industrial conduct, and budgeting for the consequent fines,” Mr Willox said.
“The revenue streams from redundancy funds and insurance products need to be closed off to break this business model and restore the rule of law.”
In the 2013 financial year, the ETU received $3.7m in management fees for its involvement in
income­protection insurance. It also received more than $500,000 in trust income and $330,000 in directors’ fees.
Mr Mighell, who attracted attention in 2007 when Kevin Rudd forced him out of the Labor Party for swearing, told the commission that his union had made full disclosure in accounts.
Challenged by Mr Stoljar, Mr Mighell disagreed that individual employers were not made aware the
ETU was the beneficiary of preferred­supplier deals when they signed up to enterprise agreements.
He said management fees were “no secret” in the union. He had often talked with members about using the income to finance ambulance or funeral funds.
The former ETU leader disagreed with Mr Stoljar that the union did nothing in return for receiving a 20 per cent surcharge on insurance premiums. Apart from administration, he said the ETU played an important role in compliance when employers failed to pay owed entitlements.
ATC Insurance Solutions chief executive Chris Anderson said he held discussions with Mr Mighell in 2010 about his employment prospects with the company after the ETU, but they were “completely separate negotiations” from those related to the scheme. Mr Anderson confirmed Mr Mighell introduced his company to the MUA.
Additional reporting: Ewin Hannan